What are these pains?!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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I keep getting these pains down in my bits! :oops:
I've no idea what they are. :? Has anybody else had these?
What sort of pains?

And in what part of your 'bits'??
They are like short sharp pains right at the bottom of my lady bits! Sounds weird I know. Maybe it is just me :?
Hmmmm havent had any probs there personally.

Why dont you ask your MW if its concerning you sweetheart?
mermaid said:
They are like short sharp pains right at the bottom of my lady bits! Sounds weird I know. Maybe it is just me :?

used to have that when pregnant beofre. It was because zacks head was low in my pelvis and when he moved it would cause a sharp pain. Mine used to start at my lady bits and shoot up to under my tummy button.

The pains of pregnancy arnt they wonderful :? lol
Wow, that is kind of nice to think as I haven't felt any movements yet! Could it happen this early though do you think Violet?
Everybody is different. I didnt feel any 'bubble' movements with this baby... it by passed that stage and went straight onto the kicking and shifting around 16 weeks.

I was a bit worried about the sharp pains I was getting ...like your pains, so i asked the midwife. She said that it was very common and most probably baby moving about in my pelvis.

Shouldnt worry about it.... probably just 'normal pains' you could always contact your midwife to double check :D
no pains as such just getting booted in the bladder lots!!! It feels like you're bustin for a wee but you dont need to go!!

odd sensation
Lol yeah I know exactly what you mean Vix!
I posted about this about the same stage as you. I too had pains in the area you are describing but they stopped pretty fast. I was alarmed at the time as they were really painful Midwife suggested they were stretching pains and a few people on this forum agreed. I hope they go soon for you. They are very uncomfortable!
Thanks Sarah, it's always good when someone else has felt the same, it just seems strange having growing pains down there if you know what i mean! :?
I have these pains, shouldn't need to worry mermaid but if your still concerned please talk to your midwife :hug:

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