What am I having this time around hmmm


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2007
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Well, my son is 8 years old now, when I was preg with him I had no sickness, no cravings, huge bump at the end of the term, sailed through the pregnancy really.

This time I fel sicky, exhausted for the first 12 weeks, needing carbs to eat, getting 'round' around the sides where I have never put on weight before, boobs loads bigger and very sore, loads of headaches, more teary at silly stuff, bump low so far, at 17 weeks.

Is this any indication that I am carrying a different sex? They say you carry differently with different sexes dont they, I mean, it was 8 years ago that I was last preg so of course, my body is older now..... :shock:

Any views people, Im having my scan next thursday so I hope to tell you the sex then anyway :pray:
Every pregnancy is so different that I don't really prescribe to the different genders idea.

Hope you can find out, do you have any idea?

I am feeling vile, which is like grim deja vu to last time :puke: Not sure whether to find out or not yet.............
Well Im sort of thinking girl just because I seem to be so different this time so tbh I will be really surprised if they tell me its a boy.If they cant tell us next week we are having a 4d scan anyway when they will almost certainly be able to tell.
I'm on my first so can't say myself, but my SIL had her second child earlier this year. She was convinced it was another girl as she felt and looked exactly the same throughout her second pregnancy as she had her first.

Yup, you guessed it, she had a boy. She was so shocked. :lol: So I don't think there's anything in it tbh, but it's fun guessing all the same!
My pregnancies have all been different to one another, in terms of different levels of sickness, tiredness and grumpiness. I've been convinced they were all going to be boys and got a shock every time when they were girls!

However, I do feel that my bump is different this time (more out front) but don't know if that's just all in my head because I know I'm having a boy now. I haven't looked especially pregnant from behind with any of the girls, but did have lower, more rounded bumps.

I'm gonna guess girl for you, especially because of the sickness and the rounded bump. I'll look forward to hearing what team you are!
Its fun to guess isnt it-thats why I started this thread, just to see what you lot think. The bump seems to still be really low, like below my belly button, but rising by the day. Im getting horible muffin tops too, and wider at the tops of my thighs, which is making my jeans a bit tight but hey, if bubba is healthy, who cares? Right?
I've felt the same as I did when I was pregnant with my Daughter, so in that sense I feel like I'm having another girl. The most notable thing for me is the cravings - with Amber I couldn't get enough chocolate, and I'm usually not fussed by it. This time, I can't stop eating sweets.. wham bars, haribo, bags of penny sweets.. mmmm!

I really don't know though, I'm usually wrong so it will probably be a boy! :lol:
with chloe, things were alot different in terms of sickness and more of a bump straight away so when i wasnt getting a lot sickness with joshua and still havent got a huge bump but you can tell its there, i just knew it was a boy well hoped was till it was seen at scan.

hope you find out at your scan hun good luck :hug: :hug:
i was apparently 'classically carrying a boy' according to everyone who saw me .... but its a girl lol

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