What a start of tri3! Hi ladies


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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First of all hi ladies,:wave: I am glad to join you but at the same time scared:shock:

Was going to join you on Saturday but ended up in a hospital in Derbyshire. We are visiting my in-laws so are away from home and i had this headache for a couple of days but triec to sleep it off. It got much worse on Saturday and just didnt go away so i went to local a&e and they had a birthing unit so took my blood pressure and checked the heartbet. It seemed ok but there was a trace of proteine in my urine so they phoned a bigger hospital and they said i should come over.
So after 3 hours and blood tests everything was ok except the headache, it would not stop and paracetamol didnt help at all.
They discharged me and gave me codeine, i have never had it before. I ended up feeling really weird and then vomiting on Saturday night. I seem to have slept it off and not taking codeine ever again:shakehead:.
Headache seems to be better, i had it again today and just slept a lot.
Hope it wont stay with me in tri3, i have enough things to deal with.
Poor you that sounds like a really awful time, and a lot of worry. hope you are feeling better now and your headache is going at last. Welcome to tri 3 though - goes super fast from now on in! :wave:
Hi :wave:

That sounds awful, headaches are horrible to have to put up with :( I got terrible migraines in Tri 1.

Hopefully it's a passing thing xx

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