What a sh*t day


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
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First off, have been up with Seb since half 4 this morning and he has been really grumpy most of the day and had about 10 mins sleep till he finally went off at 9 oclock. Think he has started teething, drooling, biting, an a rash on his chin poor little man. Then at 5 oclock I get a call from my Mum, she had a mild heart attack last night :( I just cant believe it, I couldnt say anything to her for :cry: ing. She has been through so much what with being ill for about a year before being diagnosed with diabetes and now this. they are keeping her in hospital for the next 3 weeks as her vitals arent back to normal and said she might well have another one, and to also operate on her arteries/valves (whatever they are) when she is well enough. To top it all off she is in Ireland and I cant get to her to be with her :( I know I feel more :cry: cause lack of sleep but its MY MUM and I am so worried about her. I just wish him up there would give her a break.
Sorry to go on, jsut want to be by her side and its frustrating that I cant be :x
Oh how horrible I'm sorry to hear that. :( Is there no way you could get over there- someone who could lend/give you the money or something?

Once you've got a bit of sleep you might think of a cunning way of doing it :)

:hug: :hug: to you
My mum is a diabetic and she had 2 mild heart attacks a few years ago so I know what you're going through :hug: :hug: :hug:
Its not a question of money, its the kids. Josh with school and Seb no passport. She has my stepdad and her SIL there. I told her to just come back home, but they wont let her out of hospital to go home never mind to fly. I know she is in the best place and being well looked after. Just feeling a bit guilty. Will be so glad when she moves back to the UK so I can be closer to her again. Thanks for the hugs hun they are very much needed :hug:
my dad is diabetic and he had a slight stroke, but that was before his diabetes was diagnosed. Maybe they can get to grips with her diabetes a bit better while she's in and help her heart that way too :hug:

aww hun i hope you mom is okaya nd can come home soon sending you my best wishes :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: im sorry to hear your mums ill and i hope she gets on to the road to recovery asap :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks ladies,
My brother is even more stressed out, all this and his wife and daughter also had to have ops today, gaul bladders, adnoids and a lump under the tongue. It all seems to come at once. Niece an SIL's ops went perfect though. Just need Mum to get better was such a shock hearing that tonight, I shouldnt have cried when she told me but I couldnt help it, although she is so far away we have a great relationship and it hurts to know she is so poorly. Will have her laughing down the phone at me soon enough
I just got off the phone to Mum, managed to take in all she was telling me this time. It doesnt make it any easier hearing it all a second time :cry: . She is on complete bed rest untill they can transfere her to Belfast City Hospital to operate on her. Her arteries are so blocked that they have told her she will have another one, wish she hadnt have told me that cause now all I can do is wait and worry that she will be ok. She sounds so down and even my step dad keeps loosing it. Never heard of him or seen him being anything other than cool, calm and collected bless him. Thanks for all the hugs girls, your all great :hug:
Oh Sherry my thoughts are with you and your family its hard when our families are in different countries and become sick i know wot that feels like so my thoughts and prayers are with you please keep us updated to how ur mum gets on, i had to cope with my mum in hosp with angina and my dad going to visit and ending up having a massive heart attack and a cardic arrest but thankfully they got him back this happened a few years back when i still lived at home, so i really understand thankfully both doing well now and dad has 4 stents in his arterys to help keep them open, lots of hugs going your way :hug: :hug:

p.s pm me if you need to
Hi ladies,
Well good news :D Mum had her op done and all is well :cheer: .She did have stents put in. Both her main arteries were blocked but at least it is sorted and she is sounding a hell of a lot better, she even sat on the ward singing happy birthday down the phone to Josh today. She is going back to the hospital she was first at for a few days, then back home. So even less time in hospital than she was told. I am so releived my Mum is on the mend, thanks again to you all for your well wishes your all great :hug: :hug:
My mum was due to have her stent on the 11th September. I didn't want to post before because she didn't make it. It's her 1 month anniversary tomorrow and I'm soooooooo relieved your mum is ok. It's such a simple operation but it really does save lives. :hug:
Sherry im so glad to hear your mum is doing well,

Tracym im so sorry to hear about your mum

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