what a drama!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Well hello ladies Thank you so much for all of my well wishes, I'm very touched,thank you

What a 24 hrs!

It all started like this...

Was walking down to the m/w at midday yesterday and I felt quite damp and went straight to the loo once I was in the surgery and noticed that my underwear was wet.

I sat waiting to see the m/w pretty shaky,shocked and ready to burst into tears As soon as I got in there,the tears started to flood as I didn't know what was happening! She was unsure about the waters and as she felt the baby had moved (naughty boy!) plus I'm still getting headaches and my blood pressure had soared she called the hospital to refer me to go in. She told me to go home,have some lunch,calm down and go in.

When i got there, I was taken into one of the assessment rooms and was seen by a lovely m/w. My blood pressure by this point had stabalised again and my headache was also decreasing so that was looking good. We then did a urine test and they found traces of protein and they checked if my waters had gone, they hadn't.
According to the m/w what it probably was,was a lump of watery discharge that can hang around the cervix, dislodge and due to the amount comes across very watery and a lot more of it than there actually is!...nice

Next Sam was monitored and again as usual,the midwives were amazed at how active and manouverable a baby of 37+ weeks can be!

they decided that the best action was to scan him and the m/w initial worry of breech actually turned out to him being transverse!

Apparently, he had dislodged his head from the pelvis and gradually turned around to lie transverse! This is supposedly possible due to how big my uterus stretches after having the twins in there....akward already like his big brother!!

They decided due to bp headaches and protein that there was a fear of pre eclampsia specially as this is what i had suffered with B&T. Also their main worry was Sam being fully baked and trying to escape whilst transverse so they decided to admit me until results were normal and he had turned. Normally they would book me into the clinic to try to turn him but due to my previous c section scar,they can't do this.

No movement last night and was made aware that if he didn't move, they would keep me in until he was head down and engaged when they may induce me or up until 40 weeks due to the fear of the cord coming out first due to nothing blocking the exit (cord prolapse).

Was poked and prodded around this morning again and was about to be moved onto a side room for my possible 3 week stay,when the senior registrar came to see me.
He had a good feel around and decided that Sam has moved head down again though loose and non engaged.He apparently is classes as unstable, but it's better than nothing though I have to say that I'm completely worried now!

As I live 5 mins from hospital I was allowed to go home under the instructuions that I rest,see my m/w tuesday in clinic,any doubt that he has moved again and she as to refer me back to hospital,if I feel like I'm having contractions or waters have broken or any doubts I contact them straight away and I cannot be anywhere more than 10 mins away from hospital now until he makes an appearance

Anyway, going to catch up for 10 mins then go to bed as I'm exhausted, didn't sleep through worrying last night!

Sorry for the long post and thanks again for the well wishes. Love to you all :hug:
Awwwww hunny....so glad they have let you go home :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I will keep my fingers crossed that Sammy behaves now....we were all convinced our first little 'here i am' baby was on the way y'day :shock: !!!

Get as much rest as you can, and we'll catch up with you once you've had your well earned kip :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aw Kirls!!! I am so glad you are home safe and well it must have been an awful ordeal for you!!!

Sam. Thomas says please will you engage yourself and stay there, give your Mummy a break!!!!

I was convinced you were going to be the first, but looks like Rach is still in with a shot!!!

Lots and lots of love and sticky kisses, you go and sleep now :hug: :hug:
awww hun glad your home make sure you take things easy now xxxxxxxxxxx
I hope everythings alright on tuesday for you

I'm really pleased you got out of hospital, wouldn't have been fun to stay in for 3 weeks. Hopefully Sam will be good and engage now! :hug:
Awwwww :hug:

What a nightmare, hoping LO stays head down for you now.

Oh wow hun youve had such a hard time :( Hope things settle down before your LO arrives
Poor you! What a worry! Glad he's been a good boy though and got back in to the right position! Not long now but look after yourself until then and take it easy. L x
Hey KK,

So glad everything worked out well for you - what a lot to go through though.

Take care of yourself.

Valentine xxx
good your home...
take good care

Dylans sends sammy a hug :hug:

get plenty rest just incase
cloud9 said:
good your home...
take good care

Dylans sends sammy a hug :hug:

get plenty rest just incase

sending one straight back :hug:

hope you're feeling better too :hug:

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