Hooray!!! The exercises must have paid off because the baby is now head down, over my pelvis (although of course not engaged this early), bum in the air.
Well done baby!!!
For those of you who didn't know, my baby was transverse for a while.
The m/w couldn't remember commenting that the baby's position might have been a problem so early on (though she did admit that she was menopausal at the moment and apt to be a bit silly and forgetful
). I was all chuffed, thinking I was all set for my homebirth, when she declared that if I went into labour before 39 weeks, I'd have to go into hospital.
I told her that both of my other two babies were born before 40 weeks and that I expect to go at least 4 days early with this one (I always thought my "official" due date was a bit late on anyway as I have a short mentrual cycle). This means I'll be lucky to get a homebirth if I go any earlier than a week before this intended due date. I know they don't change due dates by later scans (they just assume it's a bigger baby for dates), but the latest scan gave an estimated due date of 21st October, yet my offical due date isn't till 8th November (a difference of two and a half weeks!).
I tried to discuss this with the m/w and said I thought they would deliver a baby at home from 37 weeks (if it was an issue of safety due to the baby being term or not), but she said it was their "policy" to only put m/ws on call from 39 weeks as they had so few people go before due dates and couldn't guarantee the staff. Then she said that she (one of the m/ws who was supposed to be on-call in my area) was going on holiday the fortnight before my due date so it was less likely they would spare a m/w!!! And, as she mentioned before, another woman in my area, due the same time, has requested a homebirth. My m/w is a supervisor.
I also said that I had thought that if I refused to go in that they were legally obliged to send me a m/w to attend to me, but she said, "No, you'd just be advised to come in". Is this correct? Obviously, I won't jeopardise my baby's safety, but I don't want to be forced into a hospital birth just because of a staffing issue!
This is giving me stress I don't need. I just looked up fees for an independent m/w there, but the fees quoted were £2,500 and as I'm on a low income, so there's no way I can afford that. I know, I might get to 39 weeks and have the baby at home with an on-call m/w, but the uncertainty of this is going to have me worried.
I'd best subscribe to quickly, eh?

The m/w couldn't remember commenting that the baby's position might have been a problem so early on (though she did admit that she was menopausal at the moment and apt to be a bit silly and forgetful

I told her that both of my other two babies were born before 40 weeks and that I expect to go at least 4 days early with this one (I always thought my "official" due date was a bit late on anyway as I have a short mentrual cycle). This means I'll be lucky to get a homebirth if I go any earlier than a week before this intended due date. I know they don't change due dates by later scans (they just assume it's a bigger baby for dates), but the latest scan gave an estimated due date of 21st October, yet my offical due date isn't till 8th November (a difference of two and a half weeks!).
I tried to discuss this with the m/w and said I thought they would deliver a baby at home from 37 weeks (if it was an issue of safety due to the baby being term or not), but she said it was their "policy" to only put m/ws on call from 39 weeks as they had so few people go before due dates and couldn't guarantee the staff. Then she said that she (one of the m/ws who was supposed to be on-call in my area) was going on holiday the fortnight before my due date so it was less likely they would spare a m/w!!! And, as she mentioned before, another woman in my area, due the same time, has requested a homebirth. My m/w is a supervisor.
I also said that I had thought that if I refused to go in that they were legally obliged to send me a m/w to attend to me, but she said, "No, you'd just be advised to come in". Is this correct? Obviously, I won't jeopardise my baby's safety, but I don't want to be forced into a hospital birth just because of a staffing issue!

This is giving me stress I don't need. I just looked up fees for an independent m/w there, but the fees quoted were £2,500 and as I'm on a low income, so there's no way I can afford that. I know, I might get to 39 weeks and have the baby at home with an on-call m/w, but the uncertainty of this is going to have me worried.

I'd best subscribe to quickly, eh?