what a drag!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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never ever ever felt time move so slow in my entire life!!! im 38 weeks tomoro and cant believe that it could still be 4 weeks til hes here :(
heads engaged, period pains are a go go, as are poo attacks and shooting pains down in my lady parts.. but all this has been going on for over a week!!!
too uncomfy to sleep properly and when i do finally get abit of sleep i have a dream that the babys here, just to wake up and realise hes not!!!!
been bouncing on my ball non stop while using my breast pump and been having sex and going on long walks and still nothing!!! this is the worst wait for anything ever!!! and i thought the wait from finding out i was preggo to the 12 week scan was bad! wah!!!!
Aw bless you :hugs: Trust me, he will be here soon enough hun. Make the most of time for yourself and get lots of rest. I do know what you mean though :) x x
She was 1 week 1 day late lol and it was the worst wait in my life :) x x
I know exactly whatt u mean! Keep thinking the pains, extra dodgy belly and anything else could be it starting but it never is! I have never felt so impatient in my life, but although I have been impatient since 36 weeks, I can't believe I'm nearly 39 weeks now! So it is still going fast but I would really like him to make his appearance now xx
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Snap! I'm not even 37 weeks until weds either, I think I've had so many niggles and pains I keep thinking this will be it, bet I go overdue after thinking she'll be here early! Oh well, I'm sure it'll come round for all of us before we know it! :)

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i really hope so!!!! the waiting is too much! and hate not being able to make real plans! got visits here there and everywhere to be making and cant set any dates!! come on wee man!!
Make as many plans as you can- you can always cancel them!! Trust me when you cram in all you can you don't do the waiting!! I planned things all the way to my due date convinced I'd be induced and he arrived 1 day after my due date!! Xx
I agree with mrsstuart01, I have just done a house move, emptied my office, changed the boys school, have lots of unpacking and putting away, oh and had my cervical stitch out!!!! Keep as busy as you can, make lots of plans and visit who you need to, just always remember to take your notes and labour bag with you just in case! Xx

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