What a day!


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Have a tonne of washing to do but the weather is gorgeous :D

What's everyone up to?
Internet shopping..going to a jumble/bring and buy/car boot sale at our local community centre in aid of our Under 5's Early Learning Group - then on to town to get some more essential oils and dark chocolate for a banana bread I am making - might get some prawns and have a big prawn salad for dinner :) Then I have to tody up and sort out the nursery as its become a dumping ground!

Have a lovely day everyone xxx
It is beautiful out there, too hot for me I fear though!! Just brought the dog to see my dad (he walks the poor wee soul off her feet!!) then picking OH up from work and off to his folks house to order our cot!!!!! :)
Maybe a cheeky wee appletiser or something equally as cool and sparkly in the back garden later!
Hope everyone has a great day! (Don't spend too much RM ;) )
We are going to go for a wander around the lake and up to the park and then a wander over to OH's parents x having salad for lunch and salmon with new potatoes for dinner x loads of fruit as well! Yum x
SUpposed to be driving to Pembrokshire, with plans to go on the beach, visit OH parents, stay over at my parents, have sunday lunch with friends and visit OHs friends and their baby. He wont be rushed. He was watching TV in his PJs an hour ago, I told him to go and get dressed and he anounced that he wanted to do his weights before we left :wall: GET ON WITH IT THEN!! Hes just gone up to get dressed, hasnt packed yet. By the time we leave it will probably be midday, takes at least 2 hours to get there although probably longer cos of caravaners. Then we'll leave to see his parents at 3pm, takes half an hour to get there from my parents. Spend a good 2 or 3 hours there doing nothing in particular and not enjoying each others company. Then get back to my parents prob about 6/6.30pm. No time for the beach. Then he wont get up and ready with any pace on sunday so we wont get to do anything before sunday lunch is ready, which usually takes about 2 hours. Then we'll go visit his friends and it will be time to go back.

Cant you tell Im pissed off at the wasted weekend?! Ive been looking forward to enjoying the sunshine :(
Went to buy my supplies for cakes I have to make next week then went to my brothers BBQ and roasted in the garden.....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........hope youve all had a good day .............sorry your having a tough time Tiny ;-( xxxx
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Been such a lovely weekend - I hope it's like that next weekend I want to take the girls into Rhyl for some sun, play, Mcdonalds, stick of rock, etc :D

Loads of washing here too most that needs ironed later today.
We went for a 9 mile walk up Napoleon's Nose yesterday :) Then there was a childrens Festival in the Waterworks (a big park across from our house) We left the house at 11am yesterday morning, got home at 3pm for a quick bite to eat then out again at 4pm until 7pm last night, it was a great day :)
I've been nursing a cracking hangover! I went out with some people from work last night and ended up clubbing and i got very drunk :oops:

Then i did 2 and a half hours of ironing in the sweltering heat when i already have the beer sweats......Not nice! lol xx
oh dear toon! I dont miss hangovers :hug:

We got there in the end, I made him cancel his parents on saturday so got to spend loads of time in the sun inthe afternoon, and his parents came over for sunday lunch with my parent today, it was a roaring success! :yay:

Also got to take the dog to the beach so shes had a good wash in the sea water AND met my Mum's chicks :love: theyre 2 weeks old and sooooo cute! I put one on my bump on the sun lounger but baby kicked it and it freaked out OOPS!

Had a lovely weekend overall, how about you guys?
Had a mega busy day, in one way or another we were outside all day :love: Kids were knackered after their bath tonight :D

Younger kids are off school nursery this week so no early morning starts :D but loads of noise instead :lol:
Ah you know its been a good day when they go to bed really tired out! :)
Ironing with a hangover Toon?! I'd have put my feet up and left it until tomorrow... (or never :blush:)

Glad everyone's had a lovely weekend :yay:

We had a day out at the park yesterday and spent today in the garden... love this weather!
friday night i sat in my mates garden with the girlies till midnight drinking wine, it was awesome..

saturday was quite lazy, then wroking at 7pm-10pm.

today we went to the beach, got icecreams, visited a historic building, came home and hosed the dog down and the garden and sat and had some more wine.


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