What a crap night!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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My OH and I haven't had time out together in absolutely ages!!!! We were offered a babysitter for our 4 year old and couldn't wait all week!!!
I started 'preparing' for my date at about 3 by having a lovely warm relaxing bath. For the first time in a long time I decided to de hairify myself so out came the razor!!!! I hoped this would lead on to some 'love' tonight, which has been very remote in our relationship for toooo long!!!!

Anyway at half four, our daughter was picked up. Both me and OH had to do some work. At 6 he jumped in the shower, I did my hair and really made an effort! He took me out for dinner which I really didnt enjoy. We bumped into some old friends who insisted we had a cup of tea with them! By the time we got home, and put a movie on, my OH til me how tired he was. I then accidentally spilt my hot cup of tea all over my bedside table, which proceeded to drip onto the carpet... My OH is very house proud... so he shouted at me, ignoring the fact that I had also burnt my arm! I then stormed out of the bedroom screaming at him, and have ended up in the spare room to get away from OH!

After he had finished cleaning up, whilst muttering and moaning, he came in to see 'what my problem was!' needless to say- I am still in the spare room- with no tea, no lovely dinner memory, no 'love' and no OH!!!!

Oh dear..... Sorry your night didn't go as planned.
Oh hun sorry your night out was grotty. To be honest I find if plan something to much it always disappoints me. Maybe you should just have a random night with a take away and a dvd, put LO to bed, light some candles and snuggle on the sofa. That always seems to lead to loving in my house!!! lol
Hmmmm that sucks hun, we've all been there! last time we had a romantic meal out while mum babysat, we ended up in Tesco lookin at hoovers!
Ohhhh no sorry to hear things didnt go to plan especially after looking forward to them for so long, theres always the make up side of things this morning before your LO comes home ;) XX
:( oh dear, what a shame xx

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Gutted lass!! Tbh i agree with a previous comment, planned nights always turn out rubbish, i think its cos we builed our selfs up to such high expectations. Hope ur feeling ok today xxx
Hi all!!!

Well - truth is, I haven't had chance to talk to him all day! LO turned up this morning. It was all about playing this morning... Then I had to meet with one of the other teachers from my school this afternoon and OH took LO swimming. I have just put LO to bed, and found OH sitting infront of his computer doing work when I came out of her bedroom! Great!

Hopefully he stops soon so that we can talk. I hate it when we aren't friends! I am so tired today too after a really crap, sad sleep last night! I bought Bridesmaids yesterday- so hopefully he can stop soon and then we can have that cuddle while watching a DVD. I'm not do fussed about the 'loving' part so much now - although it has been quite some time - lol!!! To be honest, I think I might be a bit too tired right now anyway. But I do want to go to bed friends tonight!

Arghhhhhh!!!!! Xxxx

Sorry all - this is pretty pointless writing, just needed to get it out! Xxx
Bite the bullet hun, speak to him, ask him if u can have a chat when hes finished. Its not nice going to bed on an argument. Good luck xxxx
Hmmmm that sucks hun, we've all been there! last time we had a romantic meal out while mum babysat, we ended up in Tesco lookin at hoovers!

This makes me giggle!!!! Although, knowing how house proud my OH is- that's probably have put him right in the mood!!!
awh hun sorry to hear of this, I find its always the unplanned nights that go better xx

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