We've bought a fertility kit


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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I am due AF anytime (was supposed to be Thursday :shakehead: ) so I will start charting as of Tuesday when my BBT thermometer arrives :)

We are not actively trying until October though as we want to give my body chance to heal from C-Section but atleast I'll know what I'm doing with charting by then.

Thought I'd say Hi for now as I'm going to be a regular in here from now on. I have also ordered 30 ov tests and 30 early pregnancy tests so no doubt i'll be a POAS addict before long :lol:

What are these 10mlU tests like? Anyone had a very early + from them? And how do the Ov tests work?

You'd think I'd be an expert as this will be my 4th PG but I've always used the "hit & hope" approach before.

Babydust to you all :hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: Hi andreaaa

You sound like a POAS addict all ready :rotfl: :rotfl: A lot of the ladies as far as I can tell use the 10mlu tests as they are cheap for our addiction and quite a few have had early bfps on them. I can not comment to much about the OV tests as I have never had any joy with them so don't use them myself but from what I have read on here they do not always give you a true +, They say it is a + when the test line is darker then the control line but not many get a darker line if that makes sense :think: :think:

Good Luck when you start TTC and hope you get a BFP quick :pray:

:hug: :hug:
:wave: i have no idea about ov sticks never used them although i'm considdering starting if i'm not pregant soon good luck ttc and i hope you get ur bfp asap :D

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