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Damien has his appointment this moring at 11:15am with the paediaitrition about his apnoea's, reflux and also about this not eating business, and I'm bricking it. He has to have put on some weight by now else they are gonna have to force feed him somehow (ie, tubes down his nose) :cry: . Going to get him weighed in clinic first so I'm hoping and praying he has put something on even though he still hasn't barely eaten.

Please keep your fingers crossed for us! :pray:
my fingers are wwell and truely crossed hun hope all goes well today
Ahhh Good Luck Damien :dance:

Phoebe's eye appointment is at 11.30am at the hospital so will look out for you xxx
The Eye Clinic!!!

DOH :rotfl:

Think it's that side of the hospital but a bit further up than Luing Cowley :lol:

Going to park right at the top in the freebie bit and walk down :wink:
Well I gathered that you cheeky cow :rotfl:

I meant WHERE is the eye clinic! I used to go there when I was a nipper but can't remember where it is now.

Not that I'd wanna talk to you if I saw you anyway now :talkhand:

:hug: luv ya really xx
I actually have no idea where the eye clinic is :?

Sure it's up the top past out patients section.

Will get there for about 11am and find it :lol:


I don't even think you're real. I think you're a fake who pretends you have a sick baby so you won't be at the hospital anyway :wink: :rotfl:
Hope he gets on ok :)

He doesn't look malnourished in his photos :?

Hope Phoebe got on ok too Bubble :)
Well we're back (well was at my mums for a while after) and he has put on a teenie bit of weight :D He is only back up to what he was a few weeks ago, but it's better than nothing or losing more. The paed said we have to try and get his meds into him someone (brut force and pinning him down probably!) and hopefully it will curb his reflux enough to get food into him. Got to go back in 3 months unless there is more weight lost, so I'm pretty chuffed with that :D
hi hun, im really sorry i forgot to ask how it went!
glad he's put weight on, chubby thing! did you get the adise you needed? xx
Sami said:
... get his meds into him someone (brut force and pinning him down probably!) and hopefully it will curb his reflux enough to get food into him.

Hi Sami... so glad everything went well! Damien seems like a really healthy wee bunny!!

I was just wondering how you administer his medication? Do you try with a spoon, a medicine dummy or something else... does it work? I gather that you're struggling to get it into him. :think:

The reason why I'm asking is because when Philippa was little, we had to give her medication for a while and the only thing that worked was a normal syringe filled with the syrup. We'd lay her down with her head on a pillow, distract her whilst gently squirting the medicine into the side of her mouth (inner cheek) followed by a gentle blow in her face. She'd swollow immediately and with no waste or fuss. I guess just that little bit of air blown into their faces, makes them gasp.

Anyway - just a thought... I hope you can relax a bit again. :cheer:

Emilia xx
Thanls for the advice Emilia, he already has it out of a syringe and has learnt that when it comes near him, he should push his lips together. The only time I get it in is when he screams, and if it doesn't hit the back of his throat it comes back out again! :roll:

He hates the dummy as it comes out too fast and a spoon, argh they don't mix with babies!! Got to try and give it to him mixed in with a touch of food now and hope he doesn't spit it out, else I'll be scooping it off the floor and sticking it back in! :shock: :lol:
Hi hun - glad they didnt do tubes or anything just yet, know you were dreading that.

sorry if you've already tried it but when my mum needed to give alex some gripe water the other day she couldnt find my syringe so she tipped it into a bottle teat and let him suck it out. dont know if it would work with him not being keen on feeding at the mo :?

we sometimes have to use a little force when giving alex his inhlaers. some days he's fine and others he wont have it and we have to wedge him and hold his head so he doesnt turn away. more tricky with medicine though as it goes everywhere doesnt it? makes you feel mean to hold them down but its for the best. thankfully al is happy about it 80% of the time so its not too bad.

He'll do it sometimes, but othertimes, he'll suck it and spit it out :roll: he's such a pain in the arse but oh god do I love him :D
Sami said:
He'll do it sometimes, but othertimes, he'll suck it and spit it out :roll: he's such a pain in the arse but oh god do I love him :D

think that should be every mothers moto :lol:

loads better now thanks. its really under control with his inhalers and he hasnt had a wheezy moment in about a month so we are really pleased. used to be worse when he was excited but he's fine now.

hoping its going to be either a mild case or just go altogether as he gets older.

just dont want it to stop him doing anything as he gets older. mind you if he is like his daddy is with his, he goes cycling and surfing and all sorts and its never stopped him.

hope getting the meds into Damien hekps him feed better - he was doing so well with his food at first too. :?


Im glad he is okay and gained at elast alittle weight.
Hope he starts to eat a bit better for you

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