well today is the day


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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I get to see my little bub for the first time :)
I am really excited but more nervous. I am having the downs test. I am naturally a worrying person I worry alot.
Also I am scared bub aint growing and all that. I am terrified of getting there and it all neing over :-( so half 3 my app is and I dont know if I want it to hurry or not
Worrying is perfectly natural hun, I was a total wreck before my scan :shock:
Hope everything goes well and that you get some lovely pics to show us later. Good luck, hope 3 o'clock comes around quickly for you :)
I think most of us are nervous wrecks before our scans, be it the first or the fifth, you just don't know what's happening inside your body. Good luck with it though, enjoy every moment, and bring us back a pic x
Yeah I'll br the same on Thursday and I saw mine wriggling around last week! It's only natural chuck. Good luck and fx'd for you! Xxx
Its only natural to be nervous, I am too and still have a long 6+ week for mine, fx for you looking forward to seeing the pics x
It's 3.30 now so you'll be at your appt, I'm sure everything will be fine and you'll enjoy it :) x
Hope it goes well, let us know how it goes x
Hey ladies
Scan went well, heart beat was seen and baby looks fine and all seems as it should be :) :)
I am 13 weeks amd 1 day which mu own calculations came to 13 weeks so I was only 1 day out hehe.
I do have a pic but its not great as little bub was on its belly and behind my belly button so it waa being awkard. .
Aww thats great, must be so reassuring.I have mine ionTuesday :) fingers crossed xxx
Glad went well hun.
Shame on not a good pic. Hope the 20wk scan is better.

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