well n happy ending for me :'(


New Member
Aug 7, 2012
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had my second scan today and nothing had changed they still couldnt find our baby so now im booked in for a D&C tomorrow mornin and im dreading it :'( i feel emotionally drained after waiting a week not know one way or another so wanted it over and done with asap so i can begin to heal. Just wondering if anyone knows how much rest i'll need after the op?? x
So sorry it's nod good news sweetie :hugs:
I was told to rest up for a couple of days after my op.
Im really sorry it wasn't better news honey! I didnt have a D & C so cant help with your question! Take care! Xxxx
Realy sorry its was bad news :-( and after op its one of things that can be gd for one and not for another but generaly a couple of days and ur more or less bk to normal my first was harder than my second erpc op.hope it goes aswel as can be expected xx
Sorry about your sad news. :hug:
It took me a few days to feel a little better but each person is different and you rest up till you feel better. There is no right timescale for what your going through. xxxxx
I've never had a d&c as mine were both natural. I so sorry for your loss it really is a terrible thing to have to go through.

Sending you virtual :hugs:
I am so sorry for your loss sweetie.

I have had 4 D&C's but each time I was signed off work for 1 week just so that I could recover enough. You start to feel better (in your body) within a couple of days though.

Take as much time as you need to heal physically and mentally though, don't rush back to work etc unless you feel you are ready too.

Lee-Ann xx
Hi serendipity, I am so sorry to hear about your loss :hug: I had an early scan 3 1/2 weeks ago when I was 8 1/2 weeks and was told the same as you that there was no heartbeat. I then had to go back a week later for a 2nd scan and they confirmed my baby had died :-( Almost 2 weeks after I was 1st told the devastating news, I had a D&C. After the surgery I had quite a lot of bleeding and discomfort that day but then only very light spotting for about 10 days. Physically I felt rough for about 3 days post surgery (mostly no energy, some discomfort and dizziness etc), but emotionally it's taking me longer to come to terms with my loss. It is now 12 days after my D&C and I feel so much better, just very sad. The hospital signed me off for the week after my D&C.
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and sending you lots of love and hugs :hug: xxxxx
Oops, just realised you started this post yesterday so you will have had your surgery today. I hope everything went smoothly and you are ok. Give yourself plenty of time to heal physically and emotionally. Sending lots of love :hug: xxxxx
So sorry - hope your feeling better in yourself body wise, let you head take a day at a time XX

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