well guys i finally managed to get through the whole wedding without stressing, had a


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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well guys i finally managed to get through the whole wedding without stressing, had an amazing time and finally felt a little better that i'm not pregnant yet been 38days since i was due on (4th march) just found out i'm now going to be an auntie, which of course hurt at first but i am really excited for the happy couple but i still wish it was me first (i know it's a bit selfish but hey i can't get all my eggs in one basket at one time)

i'm happy in myself at the moment i've just had a beautiful wedding and i should be happy that my husband loves me enough to come with me to the doctors to have all the tests done.

i'm glad that he's decided to try for a family, i would of hated getting pregnant without his consent as it were, i'm glad i have done this the right way around. i know all realtionships break up at some point or another, but i'm glad i've got my husband on the same page as me i don't want to be a single mom struggling with the bills and raising a child.

have noticed recently that i haven't been feeling well recently i have been getting alot of stomach cramps and feeling very ill, sudden spells of sickness and then it passes.

just need to note all of this down so i can tell my doctor and hopefully he can tell me what is wrong with me and how to fix it, i just need to think of the old war time saying "keep calm and carry on"
Congratulations :)

I'm glad you managed to enjoy the day and best wishes for the future ;)
thanks guys,

i know sometimes we let TTC rule our lives, but the sister in law told me something the other day (they have been trying for as long as us) once they stopped trying and just let it happen, it did so thats what i'm gonna do, i mean i;m still gonna go to the docs appointment but me and hubby are gonna enjoy it again, it's not just procreating it's making love!
i know all realtionships break up at some point or another, but i'm glad i've got my husband on the same page as me i don't want to be a single mom struggling with the bills and raising a child"

I certainly hope not!

Im so glad you enjoyed your day, this is a new chapter in your life and one to go forward with in confidence hunny,

you are your husband will be very happy and I hope you get your BFP very soon xx

good luck !
Thats great, congratulations hope you had a wonderful day xxx

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