Welcome to Secondary Infertility


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Mar 11, 2006
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I hope our new section brings comfort and support to those who are on the journey of 'Secondary Infertility' (having 1 or more children).

Wobbles & Team
this is a lovely section to have :) :love:
wow this group couldnt have come at a better time! my gorgeous little girl turned one yesterday! but i found out last week that my chances of having another baby are extremely low and ivf would be the best attempt but they arent sure that would work either :(
:hugs: i hope your get your baby soon sweety xxx
good idea with this, as people do struggle to get pregnant a second time. I had my first nearly 14yrs ago, when he was 7 me and my ex started trying, with no joy my GP referred us to Jessops, his tests were fine, mine showed i wasnt ovulating, was told we would need an egg donor and ICSI to concieve. My ex didnt want us (as he put it) raising another womens baby, sadly we split up 3yrs ago, since then ive concieved 4 times, 3 resulting in a complete m/c, and this one (FX and legs and everything else) stays a sticky. So good luck to all the ladies out there, and i so hope your dreams comes true.

Yes this is a very good idea!!

FX Zoe all is fine this time!!
Hope you do manage to get your baby mumawiles - what are they saying is wrong?

I fell PG wit my son after one month of trying! It has been two long years and two painful MC's trying foir baby number 2 - so this section is def perfect for me!

Hello lovely ladies, and good luck on your journeys, hope we can all support each other along the way xxx
hi ladies

i think i should be in this forum, but to be honest im still gonna stalk the other :whistle:

Like i said in the other forum this would be a good place to come have a moan about the effects of all ready having a child and ttc have on each other. Like for instance my son having a tendency of almost walking in on us when were at 'it'....nothing kills the mood better! :lol:

On a more serious note, its some where to escape to when you cant escape in the real world, like when the kids wanna go to the park and it seems every pregnant woman or mothers with babies have joined forces to rub your face in it....or is that just me :shock:

x x x
Hope you do manage to get your baby mumawiles - what are they saying is wrong?

Well they arent sure exactally i know ive got polycystic ovarian syndrome which sucks as it is, but i just seem to be unable to manage pregnancy very well, i had two mc's before i had my daughter and she was bon at 29 weeks because my body just cant seem to hold them in to term :( and i dont want a baby right now but i just would like to know that i could have more in the future because i would really love to have more children and to give my LO a sibling (or two!)
Great idea for a section - thanks lots Wobbles XX
Hope you do manage to get your baby mumawiles - what are they saying is wrong?

Well they arent sure exactally i know ive got polycystic ovarian syndrome which sucks as it is, but i just seem to be unable to manage pregnancy very well, i had two mc's before i had my daughter and she was bon at 29 weeks because my body just cant seem to hold them in to term :( and i dont want a baby right now but i just would like to know that i could have more in the future because i would really love to have more children and to give my LO a sibling (or two!)

OH I see, yes of course you d like to know that. well will keep an eye on your threads xxxx
Please post threads ladies and share your stories/journeys so people don't feel so alone using this section or anyone visiting us wishing to join you for support.

My sister trying to concieve at age 45, can she do it?
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Have an 11 year old son.... but had breast cancer 6 years ago. TTC now. Have super irregular periods. Last one was in April 2014 and before that was Nov 2013. Am on Agnus Castus, Seven Seas Trying To Conceive, Cassanovum and Wellwoman Conception (hubby takes the male version) for the past 2 weeks... Have noticed CM change and am having some slight cramping so hope this means ovulating!
Anyone else in the same or been through the same situation?
So grateful for this section. I have a 3 year old DD and have been trying for no 2 for 18 months with three MC. Awaiting results if tests before we decide what to do next x
I have had 2 pregnancy already and trying a 3rd but my gynaecologist told me that my ovaries are fine but I am just not ovulating.
I do not understand what you mean by saying you have had two pregnancies before, it is that you had given birth twice or you miscarried the two pregnancies?
please reply may be my ideas will help you.
Ah finally think i have found the right thread
Hello all, im new to this so if i dont make sense i apologise lol.
My OH and i have a 5 y/o and sadly 3 years ago lost a pregnancy at 17 weeks. We have been ttc for over 2 years now had 2 cmc and i am finally being sent for ultra sound and hysterosalpingogram but as all my bloods have been normal the gyno doesnt believe it will show anything wrong.
Anyone else had this or something similar?

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