Weird weird werid!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2011
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My hubbys best mate went to see a clairvoyant on sat which im not sure i really believe in but im am shocked at what he said to him!!

Richard(hubbys mate)asked him what was guna happen for his best mate ben(my hubby)and he swears he didnt even tell him anything apart from bens name and he told him that ben would be a father sooner than he thinks and that its guna be twins!!! Weird. His mate doesnt know we are tryin.

Then i went to work today and my boss told me she had a dream and that i had had twins!!

Weird or what. Hope its true but not really guna hold my breath lol.

Michelle. x
oooooh spooky!!!! I hope it comes true xxxxxx
Oh that is weird Michelle! Soooooo hope it comes true!!! xxx
Oooh is spooky! A spiratulist told my sister last year that a family member would have a mc. I did. That wasnt fun but she did go on to say that for my my sister and ttc July was a good month and that a family member who she would not be upset about would also be joning her too. Both of us are waiting for fertility treatment at the moment. Im just hoping its this July! Xx
I do believe in these things to some degree but I saw someone in nov who guaranteed it by Xmas. Weird as she told other people stuff she couldn't possibly know. Never happened though haha

I hope she's right for you hun x
That would be nice hun, fingers crossed x

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
Ooooo I hope it does come true for you!x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9700 using Tapatalk
Now that would be fab wouldn't it xx

My mum saw a spiritualist yrs ago and they came out with loads of stuff that only my mum knew etc and was in total awe of them - I have been considering going to 1 jus to see I like that type of thing xx
Thanks girls, i would so love it to be true so much.

Im having bit of an emotional day today as its been 3yrs since my grandad passed away and i miss him loads, aswell as that the girl at work is all excited as she is off this arvo for antenatal classes and her 16wk check with midwife so im feeling kinda crap!!

Oh well chin up.

:hugs: :hugs:
get some chocolate in u that always cheers me up xx
itll be ur turn in no time :D and with twins now that would be amazing :D
Sorry your having a rubbish day Michelle.

big hugs

Thanks, i ate sum chocolate and went to bed early!!!

Feeling a bit better today.

Michelle. x
Hows today going now for you?

Wow Twinnys ? double baby dust coming your way then.....:lol:
Ok thanks jj, i am feeling a bit ruff now all achy and cold really hoping i dont come down with something for the weekend as we are going away!!

Twins would be fab but im not sure i really believe in it all.

Michelle. x

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