Weird Pain!


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2010
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Hi Girls, please help!

I dont know if its anything to do with TTC but every now and again i have a weird pain which seems to be behind my belly button?

Its like a pushing sensation, its quite uncomfortable but sometimes cacn be very painful!

Anyone had this before or know what it is?


Trapped wind?

Ha ha, well it could be...... otherwise, not a clue sorry x
Thanks Starfish, i wish it was wind, i dont think its that simple.

I might go to the doctors and get it checked out because ive had it for a while now.
Sorry your a bit worried Nikki, but i would have assumed it was digestion related too :)

I do get pains in my abdomen quite frequently and today they are really very bad and i'm not sure where OV pains begin and gas pains end, but i have been really windy today :blush:

I have had belly button pains too, well they weren't pains as such - kind of like vibrations, like i literally had butterflies in my belly. It didn't turn into anything - maybe i pulled a muscle?

I do wonder if i have IBS sometimes, maybe it is that?

Hopefully it is nothing :hug:
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I've not had it, but hope it's a good sign :) xx
I dunno what to suggest :eh: I find that ovulation pains are lower down, like down round the bikini line area. I would also have thought that behind the belly button would be digestion-related. I have IBS and it all seems to be lower down too, just near where the ov pains would be. So, totally useless answer I'm afraid :blush:
Iv had this strange pain there too before?? Not sure if it's the same as yours but it was Like I had a pin stuck in my insides or something, if that makes sense?? I had it in once and it really hurt and it was worse when I stretched..
Iv always wondered what it is :/

Aw Spinney, how long? Is it worrying you or do you think it might be a symptom? x
Thanks girls, maybe it is wind related! Ive never put the two together before, i havent had it for a week or so but i will keep an eye on it to see if it is trapped wind. I hope so x

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