Weird Af this month....


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2011
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As the title says ladies, im having the weridest af this month.

So she flew in two days earlier that i thought(12dpo)on sat and came with the most painful backache ive eva know. It passed within a few hours and i had the smallest amount of red blood(pretty much only when i wiped) and has turned brown and stayed brown but hardly there at all. Ive hardly used any pads and i had a lot of mild cramping which i dont often get this late in af. There has been the odd brown jelly type things(im guessing just clots or lining) but nothing thats really red not like my normal af at all. More like the end of it.

Im sure its just my body being weird as usual just when i thought id got back into some sort of normal routine!! Af is normally bang on 14dpo and starts off brown and then heavy and red for a few days then back to brown to finish off lasts about 5 days.

Any one else have odd Afs??

Sorry for TMI.

Michelle. x
Have you done a preg test hun? It sounds kind of like people have described after getting bfp's. If you haven't done one--do it!! Hehe xxx
Hmmm, I hate it wen af turns weird. Its odd that there is so much pain but not much blood. Have u done a hpt like blondy said?
I havent tested no, i didnt think it could be positive if im bleeding, altho it really isnt a lot as all day today its been mainly when i wipe and its still brown no red blood which is odd.

I do have a clearblue cross test but i have seen that they give false positives dont they?? i do have one digi but i dont want to waste it lol.

Do you think i should test then??

Michelle. x
Well i tested and it was bfn just as i thought, think its my body playing with me, thats two light ones in a row now tho so im prob guna get a horrible one nxt time!!

Michelle. x
Hi hun, sorry about the BFN, at least you know for sure though. a light AF could mean an annovulatory cycle? Sometimes it happens even when you normally ovulate regularly. 2 in a row seems odd though. Maybe if it's the same next cycle see your GP? Xxx
Hi Michelle,

sorry your af is palying silly buggers! I had that a couple of months ago my af was so light hardly worth having one!

When i went to the doctor the other day i asked him about it and he said normal for them to do this from time to time! He was a great doctor and understood the whole ttc think as he and his wife tried for four years before they fell with their daughter!

I know i defo ov this month but i think your right blondy i will do docs next time if i get a light one. Fx i wont get one at all!!!

Michelle. x

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