

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2005
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I know people have asked before but i think my MIL was right I am going to have a huge baby.

I have put in 18lbs already and feel huge! What has everyone else put on?
i haven't weighted myself since last week... i put on 14lb

it wont be all baby... we put on a lot of weight due to water, then the placenta, blood etc...

i wouldn't worry - the MD will tell you if she thinks your gonna have a big baby! i was speaking to a few friends the other week about having a big baby - they all said delivering a big baby is much easier... small babies are harder to get out....

Hi ya

When i was pregnant with my first i put on 4st (i did eat for england) and he was a big baby, he weighed 9lbs, i'm not too sure about this theory that the bigger the baby the easier to get out, i was in labour for 26 hours and pushing for 2 hrs 35mins (i think i am just really small :lol: ), he just didn't want to come out!!

i'm hoping this time this baby will be alot smaller!!

Don't worry about the weight too much just eat healthy and get some exercise and take good care of yourself xx
Thanks i am trying to eat healthy but all I want is coca cola which does not help! I will ask the midwife when i see her but I have not even had one weigh in she just guessed by weight at the begining!
Hi wel i was 8 stone well just over and now i am 9 stone i am 15weeks but dont feel that big xxxxxxxx
Hi all,

I have put on 13 lbs since first weighed at 8 weeks.. most of that was in the first 16 weeks!!

I asked my m/w and she said I was fine.. she said its perfectly normal to put on about 2 stone throughout pregnancy - possibly more.. and if so.. no problem! She also said that as long as I don't eat rubbish all the time [ :angel: :angel: ] and exercise a bit she told me not to worry.

.... hasn't stopped me eating choc and crisps all day, I do walk for an hour with my dog every morning :angel: but I have noticed that I have changed shape completely.. tops of thighs, bum and hips are different [bigger :evil: ] but with just a baby bump on my tummy.. OH says I look much more "womanly" now :shock: - he is probably just being diplomatic!!

I just cannot be bothered to worry about it.. I have not exacly enjoyed being pregnant.. the anxiety is bad enough without worrying about my weight.. I will stress about it after bodette arrives !!!!
Looks like we are all about the same which is good and sets my mind at ease! So i will go shopping tonight to celebrate my new size!
Everyone comments on my size which for the moment is all bump so I asked the sonographer wednesday if I was having a giant baby!

She said they don't start to take on their size until after 24 weeks, so any excess at the moment will be just water and fat stores.

Whether that's an indication that the baby will be relying on these to grow big and fat I'm not sure!

All babies are so similar in size at this point that your 20 week scan can still be the dating scan apparently.

I guess the best we can do is chill out for the sake of our babies and sign up to some step classes in the Autumn! Pass the Easter eggs......YUM! :wink:
first baby i only put on just over a stone this time round ive put on nearly 2 and a half already xxx
I haven't weighed myself for weeks and weeks so can't say exactly whay put on but it's a lot!!!! :oops: I have had to buy a new mat top today to wear over the next 5 weeks, my others were all too tight across my bump!! I just hope that I can shift it all at the end :pray:

Well I was 7st 8lb at week 5 and I am now 9st ll lb at week 24 so I have put on alot of weight. I was underweight to start and I gave up smoking. The weight thing has worried me quite abit. I used to have visible breast bones but now they are covered with fat!! My things are large and my arms look bigger. My cousin who qualifies as a midwife in July measured me and Im 25 1/2 " I knew I would put on weight being pregnant and thought I might just have a bump but oh no I have got larger all over, I just pray I loose it when bub is born

who cares how much weight we've all put on!!! :dance: We're all pregnant and we shouldn't spend the 9 months worrying about weight. Our arses will all stick out a mile on week 40 and our tummys will all look like like jelly on a plate afterwards! So who cares.
i have only put on 4 lbs so far!!!
at the beggining i did lose a bit of weight coz my appetite dissapeared so i have a bit to put back on & not worry!
I've put on about 2 1/2 stone and if I don't lose it all quickly I don't care, I've got a sneaky feeling i'll have other things to pre-occupy my mind!! :D

Everyones different in size and will put on or lose weight depending on their body type anyway. I've got a friend who said she put on 1 1/2 stones when she was pregnant & seemed horrified that i'd put on a whole stone more than her, but then she 5'2" and i'm 5'6" for a start. Her DH is about 5'8 whereas my hubby's 6'5" so I don't think my babies ever going to to be a tiddler.
Weight really doesn't matter as long as the babies healthy, just enjoy being able to stuff your face & get away with it :lol:
Budge and Nicki - you are so right and have made me see sense. I wasn't really worried until today trying on tops in town but what the heck, we are the lucky ones carrying a baby and should be proud - and lets be honest it's the only time that we can eat what we like and get away with it!!!! Thankyou :clap:

I have been worrying recently lately too that i've put on too much weight...and worried i'm not going to be able to lose it after the baby....but after reading all these posts it's made me realise it's not important and i should just be gratefull and happy i'm having a baby!!!!
the way i see it is... if it wasn't there before we'll loose it when the baby is born... i've noticed i'm getting spongy bits around my lower back... i never had these before so i'm hoping i'll loose them when the baby arrives... not by magic - i'm not being nieve! hoping i have enough energy to do a gym class 3 times a week... a bums n tums class might be needed!!!

i know i'm one of the lucky ones - greatful to be pregnant!


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