

Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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I'm a bit worried about Evie's weight...

She was following the 50th percentile until 3 weeks old and she was inbetween the 25th and 50th at 6 1/2 weeks. 6 weeks later and I weighed her today and she's now dropped inbetween the 9th and 25th... 11lb 1oz at 12 weeks (8lb 4 1/2oz at birth)

Should I be worried? She's a generally happy baby, she feeds regularily (every 1-2 hours) but otherwise is alway full of smiles. Has LOTS of wet nappies and 2-3 soiled nappies a week.

I'm sure i'm just being silly, surely if she wasn't getting enough milk she'd be constantly upset right?

I would say don't worry but its always best to check with your hv. My lo dropped two lines and just went up one so they don't always follow the exact lines. I have a 8 year old who is the size of a 6 year old and a 7 year old who wears age 9 clothes - yes she is much bigger than older sister! Kid are different but at this age always better to be safe than sorry x
Zach dropped from the 50th to the 9th when I was breastfeeding, it was obvious that he wasn't getting enough, he just cried all the time and was always hungry. Now he is on formula he is following the 9th fine but is so content. I think you know if they aren't getting enough. If she is happy and alert, putting weight on and you are getting the wet nappies, I wouldn't worry too much. I don't think all babies follow the lines, they are all different. If u are worried speak to your hv, but i think they can sometimes make you worry for no reason xxx
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Thanks guys. Health visitor is coming round tomorrow so will see what she says then.
Think i've got 1st time mum syndrome! Haha! Xx
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im the opposite, i worry shes too chunky, shes 91st percentile at 15lb9!

bet your baby is totally fine xx
:-DHealth Visitor came round today and said that she's not worried about Evie's weight at the mo.
If she drops another line on the chart in 4 weeks she'll be a bit concerned.
Good news anyway, for now lol :-D
Glad you had god news - never stop worrying about weight and shes my 4th!

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