Weight Loss :-(


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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im really sorry...yet another question!!
Charlotte and i have been for our 6 week checks, and it seems she has lost 7ozs. she has gone from 7lb 14oz to 7lbs 7ozs. The doctor didnt seem worried, he said they often do that. Its Ok him not being worried, but IAM!! asked my mum, and she said she didnt think it was normal, but to 'check it out on the forum, its the only place you ever seem to get any sense!!' My HV is a bit crap, so cant really talk to him.
Charlotte only seems to BF for about 15 mins, and when i express or give her some formula, she only seems to get through about 70mls. Through the night she only wakes once, and during the day she'll feed every 2-3 hours but only for 15 mins or so. She is sick after every feed nearly, but not projsectile or anything.
I just gave her some formula and she has only taken 50 mls and fallen asllep, cant wake her to finish off the bottle, ill keep trying tho.
We have managed to get her to use a bottle (it was the teats she didnt like as you girls advised it may be!) and have introduced some formula, i was thinking i may have to start expressing so i can monitor exactly how much she is taking...........OR am i over reacting and should go with the DR and not worry??????????? :(
Hi hun

When I was worrying about Olivia's short feeds the /hv said not to worry if she was having lots of wet and a dirty nappy everyday. I think you said Charlie has lots of dirty nappies so I'd say go with the doctor.

Lucy x
p.s Olivia also brings up some after feeding but the HV said it was normal and called posseting
hels said:
I asked my mum, and she said she didnt think it was normal, but to 'check it out on the forum, its the only place you ever seem to get any sense!!'

LOL that's great! :clap:

Charlotte only seems to BF for about 15 mins, and when i express or give her some formula, she only seems to get through about 70mls.
Brody is the same!

Through the night she only wakes once

I think this is the important thing... she would wake in the night if she wasn't getting enough in the day. Obviously monitor her weight for the next few weeks, but it's very normal to lose a bit then gain a bit. If she starts waking up for more and is still losing weight then I would approach your HV again.

Brody is waking up loads at night, but because he's not losing weight I'm not worried. I think if they do both together (wake at night AND lose weight) I would be more concerned.
hels, am feeling the same way. Seren hasn't put on any weight since she was weighed a week ago. Her weight gain had been slowing right down for a while and I knew that she wasn't going to have put much on but I wasn't expecting nothing. Feel so low, have struggled from day one with breast feeding and still seem to be doing it wrong. Obviously I have no suggestions but I hope Charlotte is soon piling on the pounds again.
Do you know Beanie...i have read posts and you often say you have stuggled with BF. I just want to say that i admire you cos i think you ave done soooooo well!!!
So shall i just carry on doin what im doing and hopefully it'll just be a one off, next week she'll be a little porky pig??
I just worry cos she's so dinky! She seems so content though.
I expected the sleepless nights, but being a mummy is a continous worry!
OMG...Charlotte just finished off her formula, she took 50mls and has thrown most of that back up. It even came out of her nose :(
Will she get used to it?
try changing the brand hels, are you using sma gold by any chance?

im sure its okay unless its more weight lose in the next week.
Kiara only feeds for 5-10 min each feed i always thought that wasnt enough but shes nice and healthy.
No Kim its C&G, wil tryAptimil again, thanks xx
rubie was sick on sma but fine on c&g, its weird how theyre all different isnt it. good luck i hope she finds one to suit her. :D
Thanks hels, your comment meant alot to me. I am just fed up of it going wrong, keep waiting for it to click into place but its not happening. Just going to see how it goes
But your still doing it hun...you could have given up ages ago, huge round of applause to you :clap:
Dont be so harsh on yourself, well done to you!
Beanie you're doing really well keep it up, i've nearly given up loads of times and even got my milk supply really low only to suddenly be determined to carry on and get my flow back up again Abi is now 6 months and still mainly breast feeding although she does have a bottle for bed or if were out it works well for both of us :)
I've been so tempted in the last few weeks to give Brody a bottle for bedtime. I weighed him today and he's only put on 4 oz in 2 weeks :shock:

I know he's not going hungry though...even though he wakes 5 times a night he's not doing it to feed, he's doing it cos he thinks I'm a dummy :?
Thanks guys, can't believe how upset I've got but have sat down today and though more rationally. She is happy and alert, she is giving me plenty of wet nappies and is pooing regularly. I have had to put away all her 0-3 month suits and vests as she was getting too tall for them so I think she has grown up not out. Have been reading around and apparently the weight charts in the red books are not very good for breast fed babies as they are based on formula fed babies who put on weight differently. Apparently it is normal for breast fed babies not to put as much on and that they can slow right down. I chatted to my HV (who is so great) and we have agreed that it is not good for me to get her weighed every week as it is making me neurotic so I am going to go perhaps every three weeks. Hels, if Cahrlotte is alert and happy etc then try not to worry. Just feel a lot better knowing I'm not on my own and that others are experiencing this, so thanks agan (am going now before i get too emotional) xxxx
Thats great Beanie! Really pleased you feel happier.
Were doin a great job!
Urchin try a bottle in the night for couple of nightsif it doesn't make any difference then you can always go back to just brest feeding.

Good luck !

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