weight gain!!!!

:lol, I definately left feeling a lot better than when I went in!
I've been a bit concerned that I've hardly put on any weight at all. At 17 weeks I only weigh a couple of pounds more than I did before I got pregnant. But I keep telling myself that the baby gets everything (nutrients, calcium, etc) first so I shouldn't worry...

My BF says he fully expects me to 'explode' outwards in the next few weeks and already loves my rounder tummy!!
Hi Sarah W

No, not at all. No morning (or any other time) sickness. As far as I'm concerned I've been eating plenty. Find I can't eat huge meals, but I do eat small ones pretty frequently as I get incredibly hungry!! And I drink plenty of milk and eat fruit and veg and all the rest (ice cream and chocolate!).

Do you think I should talk to my doctor/midwife? The docs all seemed quite happy with me and the baby at the 12 weeks scan...
I am really chuffed - after losing 2 stones before getting pregnant I was worried that it would all pile straight back on again. But at 17 weeks I have only gained 8lbs. I haven't been able to get into my jeans for ages and have gone into elasticated waist trousers. I have just ordered a load of maternity clothes off ebay - I just hope they fit once I get them!!

I hope I don't pile on too much weight - I am having to watch the sugar intake (gestational diabetes) so this is helping. If I do though - so be it - I will just have to work harder to shift it all afterwards!


I wouldn't worry at all about the baby. It should be getting everything it needs from you.

My midwife says that in most clinics they don't even bother weighing people anymore as it doesn't give any indication to the health of the baby.

She said she had seen a woman gain four stone and give birth to a six pound baby and she saw someone who gained nine pounds and gave birth to a 10 pound baby :?: :?: :?: :!: :!: :!: :?: :?: :?:

At the next scan you will know for sure that the baby is at the right size, but I'm sure it is. They have a habit of getting everything they need before they are even born! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Weighed myself today for the first time in 10 weeks. Am now 13 stone 3, not bad considering my pre-pregnancy weight was about 13 stone. I lost a stone through morning sickness and am 26 weeks pregnant so am pleased with that so far. I seem to have out weight on my bump mainly, from behind I don't look like I'm pregnant until I turn round and there is this big belly. However I have noticed the weight going elsewhere also, I lost my bum through morning sicknessa nd have got it back which pleases OH, and me as I had a saggy bum on my trousers!!!
Hi Sarah W -

Just wanted to say thanks for the reassurance. I do think everything's fine, but you can't help worrying when everyone else seems to be putting on weight!

- Skidoo

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