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weight gain!!!!


Active Member
Feb 15, 2005
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hi all of you just wondering how much weight everyone has put on so far im 25 weeks and have put on just under 2 stone excessive yes? me not pleased! but hey what can ya do. :roll:
I'm nearly 21 weeks and have gained 1 stone 3 pounds, although apart from the obvious belly, I don't feel any bigger???
I've gained just over half a stone and am nearly 22 weeks, only have a belly and boobs everything else seems to be the same as before in fact from behind you wouldnt know I was PG its only when I turn to the side and my belly appears!
I'm 32 weeks and have gained 1.75 stone. It's funny but I seemed to pile the weight on early on - e.g. I'd put on a stone by about 15 weeks or so. But then it slowed right down.

Anyway the bump is the right size which is all I'm worrying about now!

I have gained just under 2 stones and am 24 weeks. You are not the only one mummytrying!!! lol

At first it was just the belly, now the weight goes into my legs and my bump with all the cellulite that goes with it, it is so sexy :shock: :lol: 8) :roll:

Am kind of glad going back to work from holidays maybe i will eat better and do more activities!!!!

But as my doctor said about it, there is nothing we can do against weight gain!!!! We just have to hope it will not carry on too much :wink:
I have gained a stone and a half so far, im hopeing thats about right
I didn't gain a pound till I hit 20 weeks and now just 8 weeks later I've gained 12 pounds. Just hoping it doesn't carry on at this rate!
I always make a point never to weigh myself during pregnancy!! I weigh myself once the baby is born then I can see what extra I still need to shift.......otherwise I just worry about how much I am putting on!!
I was worried that I wasn't gaining enough weight - baby growing just fine. Until now (24 weeks), I've only gained half stone!
Gained loads with 2 previous pregnancies. Not worrying - a little relieved!!
Emilia xx
I've put on 1 stone 4lb so far and was worried that this was waaaaay to much, but I can see I am about the same as you ladies.

My mum told me yesterday that my bum is bigger than my belly, and when I spotted a pair of trousers I liked, but they only had them in a size 20 (I'm wearing a 16 which is loose on my legs) she said that I wasn't far off that and I shouldn't kid myself and with the way that I was going it would only be a couple of weeks until I was in them. Nice!! So I've been feeling really fat and unattractive!
Rosie, why don't you buy maternity trousers, they are less expensive than normal trousers if you buy them in H&M for example or if you have an ASDA that does it . H&M r on sale at the moment, a lot at 50 % off. I tried once a higher size but they fit your belly and you look huge everywhere else!!! With maternity clothes, you keep your normal size, which is very good for self esteem I think, you do not go higher and higher in size.
It is never nice having people telling you you look fat, my b/f keeps telling me I am huge and sometimes it does piss me off, especially when he sees one of those glamour models on tv and he says "oh she is fine", I feel so ugly and fat :roll: Men :twisted: I still love him though :D

That's a relief. I've put on exactly 1 stone. The hospital midwife looked shocked but my normal midwife said it was perfectly ok and everyone's different. Looking at everyone else though it seems to be normal to put on anything from 7lbs - 2.5 stone so I'm not going to think about it now and try to deal with the damage after the baby :lol:
Im glad this topic has come up, i was starting to worry, i lost about a stone in the first few weeks, and wasnt too worried, as i heard it was quite common. iv put about 5 lbs of that stone back on, but thats it, if wasnt pregnant id be really happy! but read that should have gained up to a stone by this stage. what do you all think??
My midwife doesn't bother weighing people because you can't tell the health of the baby from the mothers weight.

A friend of mine put on an astonishing six stone with her first child and the baby was born normally.

I have put on about eight pounds in the first 19 weeks and feel good about it, but its important to feel good about yourself as much as possible during pregnancy.

Don't be too hard on yourself guys!

Enjoy yourself!
i'm 18+4 and i've put on roughly 1/2 stone so far. my face looks thinner though somehow... weird! my weight keeps fluctuating as well, must be variations in body fluid!

i'm not dieting as such, but monitoring my weight as i was overweight before i got pregnant. i'd lost just under 2 1/2 stone in the previous year so the last thing i want to do is ruin all my hard work now!

I did go out and buy some maternity jeans yesterday from H&M, I actually put them on in the changing room and went out and got swiped :lol: I couldn't bear to take them off!!!!!
I do feel a lot more comfortable and less body concious than before now I have properly fitting clothes to wear.
Hi Petchy

I also lost about 2 and a half stone before this pregnancy, though I lost it between August 2000 and August 2003. It took ages but it was worth it and the loss was permanent.

I too am 'sensibly aware' of what I put in my mouth. I'm making sure I get enough food, but resisting the temptation to eat for two.

I am very pleased about my gain so far. Eight pounds is apparently a normal healthy amount, and I'm not worried at all.

I have also set myself a target of a year to get back to normal. I hate pressure when it comes to my weight.
Hi Rosieroo

I agree about the jeans! My maternity jeans from DP weren't that cheap but they make my thighs look really skinny! PRICELESS!!!!!!!

They are not the best thing to slouch around in but they are so flattering!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

I laughed at the thought of you having to be swiped because you couldn't bare to take them off! :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: It was like that advert, it was the same with the top that I'd tried on aswell, I came out in a whole new outfit :lol: . I just had to remember to take the sticky size labels off.
It could be a new version of the barclaycard advert

Great fit maternity jeans - £35
Gorgeous fit maternity top - £20
Look on your face as you leave the shop looking like a sexy mamma - PRICELESS!

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