weight gain slowed, dropped 2 centiles!


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Eek! We haven't seen the HV since our six week check when Ross was seven weeks so he hadn't been weighed since then. I thought he'd been doing fine although he's a very sicky baby, parts with a lot of milk!
So he started on the 75th centil for his weight, it then slowed to the 50th and now he's on the 25th :shock: Her only advice was to consider weaning early, she said 17 weeks but my sister (a dietitian) said 16 weeks, so he gets more calories. She also asked if I could increase his feeds but he just wont take them.
The little guy has actually gone up a centile in length though, to the 91st! It's such a worry isn't it. HV said it's just likely he's parting with too much milk and that will go away when he starts on puree. I really hope so! I always thought we'd be having problems with too much weight, not too little. I mean his daddy and I are no skinny malinky's!!
Pointless thread really, I'm just worried about my little guy!
It is really worrying I agree. Zach has dropped one centile, and hv said if he has dropped again on Monday, i have to start waking him in the night for an extra feed, booo! Hope the weaning works for you xxx
We're going to start with some baby rice tonight. I spoke to my sis who agreed he was two weeks overdue so if he had been born nearer his due date we would be thinking about it now and his kidneys are probably ready to take more.
Zazu how much does Zach take at the moment? I tried upping the ounces but Ross seems to sick it back up. I don't fancy going back to night feeds!!
How did it go with the baby rice? Did he eat it? how has he been since?

He has 5 6oz bottles a day, but he never finishes them, he normally decides he doesnt want anymore after about 3oz and i have to try loads of tricks (standing up, singing to him, rocking him) to get him to have anymore, he normally has about 23oz a day, the dietician says he needs 25oz. I am reluctant to wake him because i think if he needed more or was hungry he would have more and also wake himself in the night. Its just so hard to know the right thing to do for him!
I dont have any advice megs, sorry. Ross certainly looks very healthy in his pics! How did he go with the rice? Is he sleeping through the night? x
I try not to worry myself too much about the centiles. Paige started just above the 25th centile and is now just above the 9th and her length has gone down a centile. I mean, I feel theres no problem starting to wean early, but I wouldnt worry yourself with the centiles too much. Theyre just averages. Every baby is different and gains weight and slows down weight gain at different times.

Hope the weaning goes well for you :)
Thank girls,
I know what you mean Melio, I think the problem is that he's eating well just not holding it down. Out of a full bottle he'll bring about a third to half of it up little bits (and sometimes not so little) at a time until the next feed. So he's taking it in but not getting to digest it. I had just increased his bottles to 7ozs a couple of weeks ago since he was starting to drain the 6oz and he'll have 5 a day now. But I decided to up that to 8ozs today and he's had 4 already, on his 5th now. The baby rice went down very well, he was looking for the next spoon and seemed to wolf it down. I think we'll stick with that for a few days and see how he goes with a lunch and dinner.
Oh and he's just increased from 8 hours to 10 hours sleep at night :yay:
Wow 8oz! Go Ross!!!!! :yay:

Glad the baby rice went well with him. Maybe he'll just be a baby that loves his solid foods!

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