Weepy and hormonal for my little girl ...Update


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Well the events of today have been a nice distraction from what I have been worried about...

My DD had her first PE lesson today, and she had to take a spare Tshirt to change into afterwards.. Which doesn't sound bad, but she had a condition where she is missing the right pectoral muscles and has a skin tag running from her elbow to the middle of her chest, which restricts her arm movement. When she gets older she'll not gain a right breast but she will have ops to put it right. They say its Poland Syndrome although I've also been told it can't be as that particular syndrome always has some hand deformities, which she doesn't have. But it's the nearest thing.

She looks sort of lopsided, but most tshirts cover this... but I'm terrified about her being picked on because of her condition. Especially if she has to take her top off.

So today, I was trying to tell her to get changed in the loos, rather than in front of all the other girls, because it's rude to show your "lady bits"....blah blah blah, but she just says "it's alright there are no boys around, I can change in front of girls!"

In one way I am glad I have given her the confidence to feel happy in her body, but I also wanted to spare her the pain of dealing with people making fun of her or going....ewwww whats wrong with your chest.!!! :shock: I can't stop her from doing PE because of it as the exercise is good physiotherapy for her, but I just wish I could do something to help her...

I think its just where you want to wrap them up in cotton wool and protect them from the world... But I've been worried about it all day and very weepy...Now I find out this baby might be a girl....and I've got myself all weepy over the fact that it may have the same condition (it's not so much a problem in boys as they don't need breasts etc) so....I'm just weepy...I wish she had a mobile phone so I could call her and see how it went. :roll: Then I get the whole, she's not my little baby anymore, and I'm replacing her with another and I start crying too... What am I like :roll:
:shock: :shock: :shock: I didn't notice... Almost as many as you midna...
she'll be fine :hug: It's always us mums that do the most worrying!
Even if her friends do ask she'll just tell them and that will be that, kids are dead accepting at that age.
My little sis is allergic to sunlight and has to be covered up all the time. Obviously she can't wear a mask and gloves so all the other kids used to ask her what was wrong with her. She just used to tell them straight and is still really close with the friends she made when she was young now. They used to sort anyone out who tried to tease her about it too!

I know it's not the same but I still bet she's had a great day- let us know

Aww, bless her, and you.

Perhaps by the other kids in her class knowing what "deformities" she has, they will begin to learn at an early stage that it is okay to be different. Kids can be very accepting even if they ask a lot of questions when something is different.

I'm sure that I would be the same if I was her Mum, I'd be worried about her being picked on etc, but I bet she will be fine. If she is comfortable with herself, which she seems to be, then that usually helps :)
:hug: :hug: Is this something that many of your family have? whats the chances of your baby girl having it?

What a day you have had!! You had to come to terms with a boy and now it maybe a girl and you have your own little girl already to worry about.

It does not sound like you worry less the older they get!!

You sound like a fab mum. I'm sure she s a strong little girl with a good head on her shoulders :hug: :hug:
if you think shes gonna be bothered about it.. get her those little vest bra things.. charlotte loves them..
awww bless her u sound very proud of her :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so sad... :roll: Everything was fine... :wall: :wall: :wall: She had a great day... and never said anything other than someone said her pink top was nice. :roll:

I also told her about the fact she might be having a baby sister instead of a baby brother and she hit the roof... I explained that we don't know, but we are going to book a 3d test to see (I showed her the pictures).... She's dead excited... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Bless you. I am so glad she was fine, I've had a kid in my class before who had a severe birth mark/ growth on her upper body. She was in y6 (11years old). I had to take them swimming lessons, change for PE and change for concerts... none of the other kids ever mentioned it, neither did she. Her confidence seemed to prevent any comments or teasing.
You've done a super job in ensuring she has body confidence and doesn't become ashamed. :hug:
Aw squig, i'm glad she had a gr8 day, seems you have installed loads of confidence in her which is gr8. If people (kids) see she isn't bothered about her body then why should they be. You may got the odd child asking whats wrong but once they know thats usually the end.

On another note i haven't read any posts yet, just gonna start but from reading this you seem to be uncertain to your next being boy/girl :lol: , sorry i just had to have a chuckle cause of what i said to you when you painted your room blue!

Is the condition your daughter has hereditory or just something by chance thats more prone in girls? try not to worry,i know its hard but i doubt it'll happen again. Would a 3d scan show it up? when is your scan by the way, have you booked it yet?

just hope you are feeling happier a bit now

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Glad to hear the day turned out well for Tia.. hugs to both of you! :hug: :hug:

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