I'm a bit embarrassed though I know I shouldn't be. I have a new pupil with down's syndrome this year, and she's settling in nicely to the class. The problem is, she wet herself this morning, and seems to have a little problem toileting in that she doesn't know when to ask, so her assistant has to watch for her "dancing" to indicate her desire to go...
Anyway, crisis one averted, pants changed, all dry, they were all sitting on the rug, having a storytime when I noticed the same little girl with her skirt pulled up and her lovely dry pants all gone! She was masturbating and had wet herself too...and I mean that finger was right up there...I was mortified, and I still am...We led her to the bathroom again and didn't scold her (hey everyone does that whether they admit it or not), but I'm wondering how I will deal with it in future, because I don't want to give her a complex about it...she's only small and so lost...and may have been doing it as a release...but we can't have her do it in front of 30 others and not expect a comment from at least one...
I spoke to her parents and they said she does this all the time and they are the same, they don't want to scold her for something that is natural...
Any advice? All you experienced Moms out there?