right well last night was quite fun, went out to the pub and saw a couple of bands play, was only out for about an hour and a half but managed to drink quite a lot and then came home to my lovely husband! Oh and news that a girl has been spreading my name around on facebook and claiming I have been sending loads of messages full of lies to her friends when actually i sent ONE message to her husband telling him that she had been sharing another mans marital bed against the wishes of his wife (sick sick little homewrecker) and that he (the guy i sent the message too) should probably know what his wife has been up to
Anyway it turns out she has posted my details on her wall and told all her mates to give me shite, who the fuck does that to a grieving woman? Sorry but if you didnt want your husband knowing such things then dont do them?? Dont make up a bunch of lies to cover your own arse!
So i have had to threaten them with legal action etc... its all very stick (they did threaten me with legal action but given all i did was send one message, and they are guilty of slander i think they are clutching at straws some what!)
anyway... pub was good, saw some old friends
have decided to get a vine or a flower or both to go behind my tattoo so that the edges of it can be cleaned up a bit in the future, will get gilbert to cover it but he has this thing about not wiping the ink off as he goes along... which i have never come across before and i dont know how well he will get on with watershading if he is not prepared to do that.
Next week i have to
Find places for the box of stuff in the dining room
scrub the kitchen/bathroom
sort out the bedrooms
wash the bedding
check the gas n leccy
do some photography
make a start on the mum calendars and also start collating images that i would like to mount and frame for the house. I want a display of pictures from Thailand, Cambodia and also our festival shots from around England along with obviously lots of nice photos of Jasper
so i am hoping for another busy week, its been really helpful to have big long lists to follow and i am hoping that if i can keep it up for three more weeks, i will feel better and actually not have to think too much about doing certain jobs, they will just come naturally