Weekend from hell! Praying we've not missed the egg


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
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Hi all :wave:

Not really had the time to come on & see how everyone’s doing. Sorry! Congrats to anyone how has got a BFP :cheer: And lots of :hug: :hug: for anyone the witch has got xx

My mum got rushed into hospital on Friday at 6:30am with a blood clot to her lung :(
She’s ok now, but still in hospital on oxygen & medication to thin her blood. But at least she's on the mend.
It's really knocked me for six, as she's never ill, plus we're really close.

Anyhow, I'm also :pray: that we've not missed the egg! I've spent most of my time at the hospital, but I flaming ovulated too :wall: talk about timing!

Both me & hubby have been shell shocked with mum, and have been having the most laughable BDing ever! Both of us we're on a different planet, & it was just desperately trying to catch the egg! We shouldn't have even tried but we've finally lost the plot & are TCC crazy. It makes me feel bad that its got to this :( Plus it put the pressure on that I’ve been having really short LP, so I've been on Angus & the preseed was at the ready, so we really didn't want to waste it, just in case :pray:

Don’t know the point of this post really?? I hoping some of you have just done the deed to catch the egg (lust less sex like a military operation :lol: ) it will make me feel better :rotfl:
I am :pray: for you! Hopefully you might have caught the egg, but under the circs, dont be too disappointed if you haven't. Wishing your Mum a speedy recovery. My DD was in hospital at the beginning of last week with a kidney infection so it's not nice when one of your loved ones is in hospital. Good luck x
Hoping your mum recovers quick!

If you catch youl be so lucky, but good luck hun!
iv never had sex just to catch egg coz iv never ttc yet, but i HAVE used sex like a military operation before! (altho he turned me down for that very reason!) it was when i wanted to induce labour when i was 39 weeks pregnant :lol:

i hope ur mum recovers quickly, and hope u caught egg! :hug: :hug:
Oh lots of vibes for your mum hon. I hope she recovers quickly.

Lets hope you've caught the egg. Remember, if you've DTD there's always a chance...
Fingers firmly crossed for you
I hope your mum recovers quickly :hug:

Good luck with the egg catching! we were in the same situation last night when i realised i ovulated really late in my cycle and the last bding was 6 days earlier. I litteraly jumped OH as soon as he was back from work at 7, he couldn't believe his luck :rotfl:
I hope you caught the egg. Sorry to hear about your mum, my boss was off for months after that so I know how bad it is - I hope she recovers well. big hugs for you :hug:

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