Week from hell

Thanks Hun, I really hope so!! I just hope I've not passed anything on! Xx
Glad ur getting a bit better... fx you get a scan asap xxxx
Hey darlin, great you're feeling better! Fx for the scan, sending those of positive thoughts your way Xx
so glad to hear u are feeling better, good luck with ur scan, fx for u xx
Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better and are getting a scan. Hope you see your bean soon :) zxx
Positivity, my poor darling! I havent been online for a few days and you have been going through hell! I'm so sorry not to have seen this sooner. I'm not suprised you feel like total crap both physically and emotionally with all this going on. Give your OH a stern talking to and tell him he has to stay up beat for you but he can rant at the doctors as much as he likes. It might even help. I'm so glad they are moving you and I think you do need to get a scan as soon as possible to reassure you. I suggest you start crying and saying you feel like they've killed your baby. Point out its your first and how long you've been trying, seriously, I think you should guilt them into giving you one asap! Sending you loads of love and light :hug:
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Positivity, poor you, what an awful thing to go through, glad you're coming through now though.
Fingers crossed for the scan, xxx
good luck with your scan hun and i really hope ur little bean is ok :) big big hugs x x
Just seen this hunny, hope your feeling better. Thinking of you and your little bean sweetie and I hope they scan you. Ive got everything crossed that your little one is just fine in there. Massive :hugs: x x

Hi Hun, just wondered how you were? Hope you're feeling better and you're receiving the support you need xxx
Thanks everyone. I'm actually feeling a lot better!! Things still aren't 100% but I should be allowed home today. Not sure when I'm going to get scan, just having to wait to see a dr! I really hope everything is ok, in fact I'l be the happiest girl in the world but iv also prepared myself for bad news. Il let u know as soon as I can. Thanks for all ur support over the past week, it really helped xxxx
Fingers crossed for you and keeping you in my prayers, really hope everything will be ok, hugzzzzzzzz

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