

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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I got my bfp last night, so it looks like I'm back in here! I'm 5 weeks pregnant today according to my lmp.

This feels so strange! I wasn't expecting to get pregnant until I'd lost another stone, so I feel very lucky and very very shocked that this has happened so soon!

I've completely forgotten what these first weeks are like, and at the moment I don't feel at all pregnant whatsoever! Is that normal? My daughter is only 21 months but I feel like a complete newbie when it comes to pregnancy haha

So anyway, this post was just to say hi, and omg I'm pregnant, yay! :lol:
Congratulations, I remember you from when I had my wee boy.

Its normal to feel nothing... I forgot all the time and constantly got into trouble off OH for running about/over doing it..

Have a chilled 9 month, probably wont be long before the sickness started. Mine started at 6w and stayed albeit 2 weeks till the end!!


I never expected to get pregnant so fast either. I have forgotten everything from first time round and it was only 2 years ago !! The last 2 weeks iv ran around, built and moved furniture and pretty much continued as normal, I sometimes forget I'm pregnant with Olly to look after

Congratulations to you ! I think I'm around 6 weeks today :) i haven't been pregnant for 5 years so feels brand new to me lol xxx
Hey Juice, you were a couple of months ahead of me last time round :-)
Congratulations on speedy bfp. Don't worry, symptoms don't kick in til 6-7 weeks for most people, and some not at all if they're lucky. Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months. x
Thanks ladies! It's nice to see some familiar faces in here!

It's reassuring to know that it's normal to not feel any different at this point. With Beth I remember sickness kicking in at 6 weeks. Like, EXACTLY 6 weeks! Haha! And I'm sure I'll regret saying this, but I'm actually looking forward to feeling sick! It was the only thing that made me feel like everything was okay when I was pregnant with Beth.

I just can't wait to start feeling pregnant. I'm more excited than nervous and that is very odd for me! ;)
Hey! I remember you too, my little by is 20 months :)

Congratulations on your BFP! Also jut got mine too :) xx
Also started being sick at 6 weeks and strangely am anxious for that to start as a sign all is okay but am sure I will regret saying this in a few weeks! Haha
Hey we were pregnant last time same time! Only 11 days between our firsts. Now due 14th March with second. I'm sure you will start getting symptoms soon and regret ever missing them! :) xx
Congratulations!! Im currently 4w2days and had symptoms but theyve gone! Hoping they come back too haha!
Bubbles, I'm due either 9th or 12th, depending on which calculator I use :/ so even less of a gap between us this time!!
I'm also only roughly 5 weeks gone too. My daughter is 21 months at the end of this month. Aaaand I also don't feel pregnant. If it weren't for the faint positive then I wouldn't have a clue. So I kind of think I'm not pregnant which is so silly! Have a happy 9 months xxx
Congratulations lovely! So nice to see another familiar face back on the pregnancy journey! Hope you have a smooth 9 months hun xxx

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