Anyone else feeling down?


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Hi all,

I've been coming on here for the last couple of months since I found out I was expecting and I'm starting to worry. Everyone else is so excited, happy and positive. I am normally like this in my day to day life but since falling pregnant I just feel down most of the time. I have a gorgeous husband, a new beautiful home, great job, great friends and this baby was very much wanted but I just feel low. I've never been like this before so it's a very strange feeling for me. I tried telling my husband last night but he really doesn't understand and thinks I'm just moaning. Every time I try and explain how tired and ill I am he'll just tell me how tired and crap he's been feeling it's very frustrating! I tried to tell my Mum whilst she was at work and she must've had me on loudspeaker because her colleague who's never been able to have her own kids just shouted "Think yourself lucky, some of us can't get pregnant you know!" which really helped! I just don't feel like 'me' anymore.

Is anyone else the same? I'm feeling very guilty about it all.

Go see your GP hon, you may be suffering with some depression due to the hormone changes. x
Ahh sorry you are having a tough time right now Ray - Your body is going through some amazing changes right now, and you might just feel like a walking incubator with all the uncertainness of the other end of the process instead of your own person as you used to be. . once you start feeling less tired and iccky things will improve no end.

I agree with Annie, worth a visit to the docs just incase , best to nip things in the bud.

Hope you hubby starts realising what your going through and being a little more supportive as this will really help you too, perhaps a sit down heart to heart, or maybee the mention of your going to the docs, would tell him blimey - that's how you have been feeling.

Are you still doing any of the things you used to do before getting pregnant? Seeing the same friends, hobbies etc , as if possible going back to these once a week or making sure you get you time like you had before will make you feel like your life is not changing beyond recognition, but you are merely adding to the lovely things you do now with your little baby.

Hope you feel better soon XJJ
Aww I hope you feel a bit chirpier soon. Deffinatly worth mentioning at your next appointment.

I felt very very low for a few weeks towards the beginning/middle. I spent about a week just sat around my house not really speaking to anybody and being very upset but for what seemed like nothing at all. I spoke to the FOB about it and he didnt really understand either and just told me to get out the house and socialise.

Im not really sure what happened for me to snap out of it, but after a few weeks I started to feel much better about things and sorted myself out :)

I really do hope you feel better soon. :) xx
Thanks everyone, I've stopped being sick for the last couple of days and it's amazing how much better I feel not just physically but mentally too.

Can't wait to get to the 'glowing' phase!

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