wedding q's...


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2007
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Me and my OH have been engaged now for over 10 years :oops: Mostly out of choice, due to money issues, as we have chosen to do other stuff with our hard earned cash in the meantime and have never been on a schedule as such to get married. However lately I am thinking about it more and more, especially since having the kids, as they have my OH's surname and mine is obviously different. Money is still really tight though, and I doubt I would ever get the dream wedding I would love, but the more I think about it, the more I know I would be happy to have a budget affair as long as it would mean we could be married :D

So if anyone has been in a similar position and done a wedding on a budget, can you fill me in on roughly what you spent and where the money went? :wink: I have quite a large family so would restrict this for the actual ceremony, but come party time I would like everyone, friends and family to be there, which in all would prob be around 100 people. It certainly wont be extravagant if it ever happens, at the moment I am thinking either registry office then a function room somewhere later, or otherwise it may work out just as well to have a civil ceremony in a small hotel and also have party there later? :think: I honestly dont mind either of these options, but am also open to other suggestions. I am pretty certain we wouldnt be able to afford a big church wedding, as much as my heart requests it, so Im trying to put it out of my mind. I know I will have just as good a day in a smaller ceremony :)

Realistically it would probably be a couple of years down the line, when the kids are a little older and I can get them involved, but mostly because of the money. It will take us at least this long to save and pay for it, if not longer, depending on the final cost. Do you think it is do-able for less than £2k? Or even less would be better :wink: Help girls, I am going out of my mind thinking about this, its never been an issue before but now it is preying on me and if I dont push my OH into doing something soon, we will remain engaged forever!!! :lol:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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