Wedding Politics!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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My OH and I are getting married on the 1st March, was ment to be this xmas abroad but we were considering bringing it closer and having a small local wedding due to close family not being able to aford to attend if it was abroad, then found out I was pregnant which made decission for us and we booked it up!

When we were going to marry abroad I made it clear to my parents that they couldnt bring their partners to actual wedding to try and that they had to be civil and I wouldnt have them arguing on my wedding day - they both agreed to this.
Now the wedding is booked my Mum is not happy at all about her fella not being invited saying Ive hurt his feelings and doesn't want to come, from what she's said its obvious she only wants to bring him to prove to my Dad how well shes doing without him which really annoys me that she cant be without her bloke for the 30minute service to see her own daughter get married!! Shes also annoyed im not inviting my younger sister to the wedding, which I find very sad but shes been nothing but rude to my OH for the 7 years we've been together, so he wont have her there, I don't really want her there anyway because we dont get one, shes but a downer on every family occassion for me in the last year and I wont have her do that on my wedding, she would only complain that her heroine dealer boyfriend isnt invited anyway and kick off when she knows im pregnant cause shes just had an abortion (which dispite me being pregant but not knowing it when she had an abortion means I should feel bad for being pregnant or something!!!!) and I dont want all the upset on my wedding day, I dont need this stress right now its really getting me down!

Sorry for long rant just needed to get it off my chest!
oh hun big hugs for you :hug: :hug: i know the feeling with parents partners but cant really give you any advice as i caved and invited both sets even though my step mum chucked me out when i was 16 and hasnt talked to me since.she said hello to me through the whole wedding and that was it! if your mum is saying that maybe call her bluff and say fine youll enjoy the day without her? whatever you do you will have a great day, good luck and enjoy :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks! To be honest she really annoyed me saying how she thought it might be best she didnt come, so I told her that was totally predictable and if she couldn't sacrifice 30 minutes with her fella to attend her daughters wedding she didnt deserve to go! That she should do what she felt she had to cause I didnt need the stress right now!
:clap: good for you why should yuo jeapordise YOUR enjoyment of YOUR day for anyone :hug:
You're doing exactly what I would do....put your foot down it's your big day you can invite and not invite who the hell you like and if they don't like it tell them to stick it!
Urchin said:
You're doing exactly what I would do....put your foot down it's your big day you can invite and not invite who the hell you like and if they don't like it tell them to stick it!

Exactly .. Your wedding your rules..

I wish I'd never invited this girl to my wedding, but she was going out with DH's friend, and DH wanted his friend to come... In the end she tried to steal the show by complaining she was in "labour" during our dance, even though she was only 12 weeks pregnant :roll: and went on to spread loads of other rumours about my DH, me and my daughter. And unfortunately I have pictures of her in some of my wedding photos... but thank the gods for photo shop :wink:

No.. Tell your mum she has to make a choice. To put you first for just 30 minutes on one day... or to put her partner first... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and your sister can sling it... shes made it clear she doesn't approve of the relationship anyway by the way she's treated your OH.
As others have said - your day, hun. You should make the decisions, and not based on what will please others. I made that mistake with my wedding to my ex, and remember that the day wasnt quite the way I wanted it to be. Maybe it was a warning sign!

anyway, this should be one of the happiest days of your life, dont let others ruin even the tiniest bit of it.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks girls I appreciate it :hug: well I haven't heard from my Mum since so I guess that means shes not coming :( It will be really sad if I have to get married without my Mum there due to pettyness. Im not sure I can forgive her if she doesn't come but I don't want my baby to miss out on having a Gran. Will just have to wait and see what happens I guess and if she sees sense in time but Im not backing down, I will be marrying the man I love whether shes there or not and I intend to enjoy every second of it, she'll be the one missing out!
Your wedding, your rules, if they dont like it tell them all where to go.

Weddings are stressful enough without family making life difficult and being pathetic.

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