Wearing glasses?


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2010
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So last week I made an optician appointment for me and my daughter - check up fo me, her first appointment (shell be 5 in November). And the outcome of this has been my son urgently referred to hospital, me suddenly needing glasses for reading/comp/writing and my daughter needing glasses full time! What a bloody check up.
I feel awful. My son, whole other thread as u know. But my daughter, apparently is quite far sighted and her eye isn't round like normal, it's like a rugby ball shape? But makes everything look distorted. I feel like such a crap mother, because I never realised she was struggling! I assumed her eyesight was perfect!
I take her back tomorrow to get drops put in her eyes and redo the test to get a more precise prescription and pick her frames and pick them up next week.
He said they might be able to help improve her eyesight a bit as shes younger than 7, but hell keep a close eye on her, and see her again in 3 months, and if gets worse hell refer her to hosp? Anyone got experience with this? Coz that confused me? Surely the hosp couldnt do any different?
Honestly.... I'm gutted. She's not, she sees it as she gets to pick nice glasses.
But what if kids are mean to her? And purely for vanity sense... God I sound so stupid. Clearly way more important things, but I really am gutted? Anyone else ever felt that way?
What if she's not as cute? U hVe no idea how long it took me to type that, because I know it's terrible, but it is in the back of my mind. I'm a shite mother!
Hey hun big hugs!!!!!!!! Your daughter will look lovely worry not!!! Just don't let her see your anxious or she will ne!!!!!!! I have astygmatism (rugby shaped eye!!!!! If anything just means I need spcial lenses or something but I never do! Even in contact lenses they have special lenses but tbh doesn't help much!!!! Anyway sorry this is a crap reply just wanted to say I have rugby eye and hUGS
(Ill reply beTter tomorrow)

I wrote this exact same thread afew months ago! Lacey failed her eye test at school, had to go for another and also found her eyes are rugby ball shaped too!
She now wears glasses full time and it doesn't bother her at all. I cried when she 1st started wearing them, I thought it was my fault that she needed them and thought she'd look awful wearing them but she doesn't. Everyone thinks she looks stunning with them and although I'd prefer her not to have them, it's for the best! She'll be fine Hun x x
Thanks so much you two. I've always, until now, had great eyesight so this goes right over my head!
Is there a chance of her wyes getting better to te extent she won't need glasses anymore? He said maybe, but I don't get how they could just get better?
And thanks LM. That's exactly how I feel... Bit weirdest by it. Lol she just can't wait for pink glasses! X
I think kids with glasses are so cute!! My big bro had glasses and I always wanted them when I was a kid!! Dont worry about the hospital thing its only coz they are (apologies to anyone who is one) 'only optitions' and they refer you for absolutely anything!!
A lot of opticians will refer to the hospital if any treatment is needed and also if it's children. A lot will only dispense glasses to children and nothing more so don't worry about any referrals to the hospital, it's common practice.
Astigmatism (rugby ball shaped eye) is very common.
If her vision in one eye is relatively good then you would not have noticed a problem and this is also quite common so don't blame yourself.
More and more children need glasses these days and there are some beautiful frames out there, the others in your daughters class will be jealous!
Hope this helps x
I have strong astigmatism in both eyes and very poor eyesight. My husband's sight is even worse. I've been wearing glasses since I was 7. My parents never knew, my teachers never knew, no one picked up on it. That wasn't because they did something wrong, it was because I didn't know any different so I didn't know my eyesight was poor, and because the human brain adapts.

I remember waiting for an eye test in the dinner room at primary school memorising the letters because I knew I'd get asked them. I used to memorise what my teachers were saying too because I couldn't read the board. It's just what I did.

I don't know why my mum took me to get an eye test, but she did and I got my first pair of glasses. They were amazing! So many things I'd never seen before, I just didn't know the world looked like that. I saw the stars for the first time.

I got teased a few times just after I got them but there were three other people in my class with them so it wasn't that big a deal.

My OH was much the same although his teacher picked it up earlier as he went to the front to sharpen his pencil every few minutes when they were doing board work. He's been wearing glasses since he was 6.

You're not a bad mum not to know, and glasses will show your daughter a whole new world. Something to be exited about!
That's a good way to look at it. Thanks Hun.
Yeah he seemed to think hers were fairly poor.. Was v surprised she didn't get loads of headaches, but also said what u said, as in she doesn't know any different and adapts. I was gobsmacked when she was struggling on the second line, when I could read down to 7th! X
She'll do much better once she's settled into her glasses I'm sure xx
My 2 boys have glasses! The younger one has had them since he was 2 yrs old, he has a squint and is virtually blind in one eye bless him. But to look at him you wouldn't realize that he has serious eye problems, he has had it all his life and has adapted to it pretty well. He has no 3D vision but can manage to catch balls etc. No idea how he does it lol! One thing that can be said, he does look adorably cute in his glasses - like the milky bar boy :) (he is very blonde too!)

With both boys, the first few weeks was difficult, getting them to wear the glasses but now they just put them on in the morning without thinking at all. And now they look odd without their glasses :lol:
Yeah that's the other thing, making her wear them! Well she's picked them. Purple, quite fashionable for adults actually! Just bit worried they will take over her face! She didn't want any of the little metal ones because , quote, they make her look like a little old lady?!?
We pick them up on Friday. Will try take a photo.
Btw, they put the drops in her eyes at 12. She was great with them, the man asked if they hurt, she was like, no fine. He was impressed with her pain threshold. I don't know it would hurt her! Luckily it seemed okay to her.
But at 3, her pupils are still really diapers and she's barely opening her eyes as everything is too right for her. Will this stop soon? I forgot to ask how long it takes for the drops to wear off x
She's very brave! Lacey cried when her drops went in. They told us they Can be dilated up to 24 hours and the light can hurt their eyes.
God he seems v good but he didn't bloody tell me that!
Trying to find her sunglasses coz she can't see when were outside! X
The drops sting slightly for a few seconds when they go in. They gradually start to wear off after about 4 hrs and completely back to normal after 12 hours. There can be some light sensitivity if it's a sunny day but she should be fine on a normal day. Her vision will be fuzzy if she tries to do any close activities ie looking at books, drawing but she should be just fine for other stuff x
Cheers. Pupils were still HuGe when she went to bed, but a lot less sensitive.
Bless her she's suddenly got an awful hacking phlegmy cough just to add to her woes!
Lol. When it rains it pours! X

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