Weaning is already worrying me

Bells is 3yrs old now and the guild line I was told then was wait till 4 months but her reflux was really bad and she was the bottom of the 9th centile and wouldn't keep hardly any down and the hv basically hinted to me along the lines of "a little solids wouldn't hurt her but you haven't heard it from me" and that was at 3 months my friend had her baby on solids from 3 months as part of a weaning programme she actually had to feed her son peanut butter 3 times a week to test the chance of developing a reaction when he gets older - he was tested before he started to make sure he didn't have an allergy and you know what e is over a year now and he hasn't got one allergy and is one of the healthiest kids I know lol! They put him on mash potato and everything straight away lol I was like omg?!? But he was well ready ate loads from the off x
Alfie doesnt reali show any interest when we eat, he doesnt look or watch or anything, so I will wait til he shows an interest. my other 2 were weaned at 4months x
i posted a link to the british paediatric dietician report on weaning from 2010 i believe..... it says you can wean from 4 months and its advised (im sure it says but iv read so much) that you start at least before 6 months. it also sasy that there is no evidence at all to support the theory that giving them certain foods will encourage an allergy in later years......it also says (again im sure itss inthere) that 50% of mothers wean before 4 months and that their are some places where babies are weaned from day one and they grow up perfectly fine! its worth a read!! xx
I have read that anything before 17 weeks can be detrimental to the gut - it is at 17 weeks when the stomach has matured enough to digest anything other than milk. I started Matt on some runny baby rice at 18 weeks then have progressed through to pureed pear, carrot and sweet potato so far. I am going to keep him on these until 6 months, I might introduce some other vegetables but nothing else, certainly anything like meat and dairy can wait, they just dont need it IMO. I plan to breastfeed until 12 months too :)
I plan to bf till 12 months :) my other friend (don't agree with her but there we go) gave her boy solids from 4 weeks onwards - I'm not around her so I'm not sure details but she weaned him from 4 weeks I wouldn't personally but it has done no harm to him at all :) some countries wean from birth and others wait I have also heard that half of mothers wean from
Under 4 months I didn't want to but Chloe is so much happier since last night if she looked in discomfort in any way I would stop everything. Zander was good he waited till 6 months I was hoping Chloe would but I couldn't see her groggy all the time and winging for more
More more lol! She has been well happy since yesterday evening :)
I think it is a really scary thing to do! I weaned liv at 11 weeks because she was having 7oz of milk every hour and was still so hungry bless her. She been absolutely fine and I haven't had a whole meal to myself since lol. I started her on baby rice but she hated it and then I found the heinz porridges and dinners and she loved those and still does. She eats anything and everything now though lol x

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Chloe is 12 1/2 weeks but was 12 days late the way I look at is if she was 3 weeks prem (which is classed as on time from 37 weeks) she would now be 17 1/2 weeks just over 4 months lol an the pots say 4 months plus :) so I'm 100% happy with my choice :) xx
Seb takes 7oz every 3 hours so it's not that he's starving just incredibly interested! The only reason we sometimes sit him on our knee is because he gets grumpy in his car seat as he can't see properly. He's started proper grabbing at the plates and food! Also I was drinking something earlier and he stopped fiddling with his toy to watch me! Lol! I'm going to try to get to 4 months but if he can't then I'll start with a little bit of potato or something similar just not every day x
Finally found this thread again lol I was on my phone last time I posted!

Thank you so much for info - I am finding that so much has changed in the last 11 years lol xx

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