weaning HELP!

Mrs P

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2005
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Hello All,
I started weaning my daughter over the weekend and gave her her first baby rice for the 10am feed, then did so till today and im already noticing at the meals where she is only having milk, she is only taking 3-4oz where before she was having up to 6oz. She is crying half an hour before her feeds. Is she getting hungrier sooner coz she is having less milk and wants some kind of solid at every feed or should i give her some yoghurt or fruit puree between some feeds???

Ladies please help! :think: :think:
ok hun - i didn't wean my daughter till 6 months - she didn't seem ready to me.
Do waht you think best - keep things simple - fruit or baby rice, but milk is the most important thing for her really - the solids are just tasters rather than sustinence if you know what I mean.

I expect other people will have other advice! Feel free to ignore me.. most people do!!!!!!! :wink:
mrsT you are too loud to ignore :D only joking :hug: love u really

mrs p are you sure shes ready to start weaning? its up to u tho... she might find it a bit weird so could take time to adjust... my advice is to speak to ur HV
chaelihol - lol I am not loud - ask my hubby... no wait, don't do that.. eek!

I would agree with you though -HV is best bet, he/she will know your situation more thoroughly and be able to advise.

Follow your instincts hun - baby will let you know when she is ready.

My LO is 5 months and I started weaning her at 4 months. Exactly the same thing happened with her, she seemed to lose interest in the milk feeds pretty quickly. Try and not worry too much, I find she still takes about 6 oz at bed time then same as a dream feed and for her brekkie in the morning I mix about 3 oz of milk with some sunshine banana cereal or whatever. She has a couple of oz milk as a drink first then eats the rest in her cereal. Everyones right that the food should be given at first as an extra really, not instead of milk but try telling your baba that! Mixing milk with different flavour cereals might be an idea? At least she is getting her nutrients then?

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