Weaning guidelines changing?

I haven't really read up on weaning HV hasn't visited about It yet either LO was 16 wks yday. He can't even sit up yet he does watch us eat but think its just curiosity. I don't see him being able to sit up within the next few weeks ? Xx
I agree no1 knows better than mummy, no1! Ha x
There is so much info out there, I have been very strict and said nothing til 6 months as I thought it could upset baby's tummy or cause allergies now im confused. Also I've found OH's family keep going on about giving him baby rice and juice that it's making me stick to it they just wana stuff him with food! I will prob BLW but at the mo he is fine with milk xxx
Ne1 else want to stick to 6 mths? X

We started a week/week and a half before 6 months and BLW and it was so worth it. It's hard because you feel under pressure to wean but stick at it, it's worth it, BLW is fantastic!

I'll be doing a mix. I have the Annabel Karmel book that I've found interesting and shows ways you can do both together. I also agree mummy knows best! We haven't started yet as she isn't showing signs she is ready, but when she does I'll start as she is telling me she'll be ready! lol. I also find it interesting that your HV has come to talk to you about weaning. Does this happen in a lot of counties? I haven't seen mine since E was 6 weeks old and you are very much left to get on with it here.
6months isn't a magic number!!! Equally just as there are some babies who are ready before 6months, some arent until 7/8. There are a number of things that tell you your LO is ready, and if your not sure if they are, then they probably aren't!!

We started G before 5months, but she was complaining during our meals, wanting to sit with us, watching very very intently, and most of all grabbing food and shovelling it in!!! X

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
yeah i started alyssa cos she was stealing my food out of my hand when i was eating and eating it herself, i let her have little nibbles of toast and rice cakes and solid rusk and she happily munches on them and i also feed her 1 rusk a day mixed with milk and a bit of fruit or veg like carrots to get her used to the diff flavours, she loves rusk and banana and i always give her some of the other food seperate first then mix it with her rusk as she likes it better like that

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