weaning foods


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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Ellie is just over 5 months now and is starting nursery as i'm off back too work in a couple of weeks.

Nursery has said they will begin weaning her if i want them too which is good.

now i had this discussion with my mum a couple of days ago and i mentioned about finger foods like toast and carrot etc and mum looked at me like i was demented.
she said Ellie shouldnt have anything like that until she could chew properly maybe once she turned 1.

i'm sure the hv told me that once she was 6 months it was ok to give her these foods.

did i dream this or is this right?

what foods do you suggest i try?

all help appreciated thanks
When you start weaning begin with baby rice and for finger foods you can give rice cakes or try Organix corn snacks. Maddison started having things like toast at 5 months and had no problem with it. I found that giving her things early has made her love her food and she loves lumpy foods coz we started her on them at 6 months :hug:
Try banana and ripe pear too, also get one of those net feeders, everyone raveas about them.

Harrisons only having purees at the moment :)
Thanks Ladies i'll have a look for one of those net feeders too :D
Hi Linda,

Giving toast and finger foods (instead of purees) is know as baby led weaning or BLW and if your baby is 6 months old or older at time of weaning, it is fine to start with this as they have sufficiently developed to be able to move the food to the back of their mouth.

I've dug out my thread with lots of helpful replies from about 6 months ago when I started BLW. I do spoon feed too - I really now do a mixture of both but the first piece of food DD ever had at 6 months was a piece of baby corn!

Trust your instincts and that's great about your BLW fan supportive HV!

Valentine Xxx
The little red book with her weight and height charts in has advice on weaning, including food suggestions for different stages.
Thanks everyone,

for your help and advice
I put Oliver straight onto finger foods once he turned 6 months - it took him about a week to get the hang of chewing and swallowing, but if you look up baby led weaning you'll find some advice on skipping the spoon-feeding purees part. I think the first food I gave him was banana, but most foods are fine - I tend to use things that can be made into a chip shape, like mango fingers/toast soldiers/brocolli florets just to make it easier for him to hold.

I do also make mashed up food and let him feed himself with the spoon, although it gets very messy so he's only allowed to do that right before he's due a bath!

But definitely 6 months is fine for food like that :) good luck with the weaning!

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