We are on team....UNKNOWN :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Yesterday I was very excited about our 20 week scan. It was a special occasion as not only did we decide to find out the sex of the baby, but my parents and sister were coming to the scan.

The sonographer was kind & nice enough to allow everyone in the room so they can see the scan. It was amazing to see our little one on the screen - this is the ONLY time our buba (nickname for our baby) had been still; apparently sleeping. At all other scans buba was active in continuously in summersaults.

The main reason for the scan is to identify any anomalies. Luckily, all measurements are within normal range. The head very much on the borderline thought the sonographer assured us it is nothing to worry about. I was so very happy that buba was healthy and well proportioned. Seeing bubas heart and the four chambers was truly spectacular for me and brought tears to my eyes (sad I know).

When the sonographer asked whether we wanted to know the sex of the baby, we all tuned out a resounding and insync "Yes". It seems like the only person who wasnt in sync was our little buba. Legs crossed, we were given it is 50% likely a girl, and 50% likely a boy..........no different than what we knew coming into the scan! As such, we are on team unknown.

We are considering a private scan to identify the sex of the baby, though considering to have the scan in 6-8 weeks so we have something to look forward to.

ok so rant over re not knowing the sex of the baby. Has anyone found themselves in this position? Did you go private to find the sex of the baby or did you wait until birth?

Thanks for reading. sorry if this was long and boring :(
Awwwww :( naughty baby!! Lol. I went for a 4d scan cos the scanner told me she was 80% chance I was having a girl. Hmmmm. Not quite what I had in mind so we had a 4d scan at 26 weeks and it was amazing!! Confirmed Isla was a girl :love:

It's worth doing regardless of the outcome at the 20 week scan in my opinion

Emma xx
My hospital won't tell the sex for legal reasons but I really wanted to know so I had a 4d scan at 26 weeks and was told I'm having a girl :) its truly worth it hun!

ah sorry baby was misbehaving. my bubs has had his legs crossed every single scan but luckily they managed to get him to open them enough to see. xxxx
At my 20 week scan they couldn't tell us for sure what we are having although they did say they thought he was a boy.
I was gutted because they couldn't tell me for sure so have booked for a 4d scan for when i'm 28 weeks to find out for sure. Then I will finally be able to buy some outfits for our baby!!!
This is what happened at my scan apart from they never saw everything they were meant to so they booked me another luckily. At first she said she thinks it was a girl but wasn't sure and the next one they said a girl x
I didnt want to know in my last pregnancy. The sonographer said everythings fine HE is normal. Well because she said HE, i had to know, it was driving me mad. So i said he's a boy then she said yeah and had bloody wrecked it for me, i was on my own my oh was at work. I was well miffed x x x
I couldn't even wait til 20 weeks. I had one at 16 weeks to find out the sex x
it must be so frustrating for you if you wanted to know! I can't believe all the sonographers who tell you "you are probably having a ***" I would hate that - I'd rather not know! We didn't want to find out anyway, but I can imagine how frustrating that is!

If you do decide to do another scan, do it because you want to and not just to see the baby's sex. I'm sure it will be incredible!
i could actually have a gender scan in 4days.. its really hard not to go for one, but we decided that if they cant tell us the sex at the 20wk scan then we will pay for a private scan!
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I am planning a 4d scan whether they can tell us the sex or not lol
I think they are amazing :)

I am desperate to know what I am having, so if I was in your situation I would definetly be getting another scan lol
on my ds they couldnt tell so as soon as i got home i was booking a sexing scan for the next day once we had decided to know we just had to find out
At my 20 week scan they couldn't tell us for sure what we are having although they did say they thought he was a boy.
I was gutted because they couldn't tell me for sure so have booked for a 4d scan for when i'm 28 weeks to find out for sure. Then I will finally be able to buy some outfits for our baby!!!

Good luck with the 4d scan!!! Let us know how it works out.

Thank you everyone for listening and your kind words. I think I will take your advice and book in for a 4d scan :)

Fingers crossed and for his/her legs to be UNcrossed lol thanks:wave:
Good luck to you too. Hope you are able to find out what you're having!

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