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Ways to prepare for Driving test


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
i have my driving test next week. and im really worried about it. :shhh:

Do any of you have any hints/tips on how to keep cool, im not the best as staying calm lol

It doesnt help that my instructor said theres one man who does tests who doesnt think pregnant women should be driving and he said he hopes i dont get him on my test.(i wont be driving once ive passed anyway! we dont have a car, i just need to pass!)

He wont tell me who it is either! so now im going to be worrying about whether i have that instructor. i wish he never told me that!

I really want to do this for me and Sophie, ive got untill October 29th to pass (thats when my theory test certificate runs out)
That was a bit insensitive of him wasnt it, I really cant offer any advice as i didnt prepare myself that much, just had the lesson before the test itself i failed my first and passed my second so.....

Good luck with it though.

hey hun :wave: you'll be fine - i cant believe your instructor told you that though, how insensitive!!!

i failed my first test and had such a tw*t of an examiner - the next test i had - i had the same examiner!! i thought i had failed before i had even got in the car -but.... i passed!!!

....and if i can do it hun, you can :D
I was learning for 2 years (on & off) before I took my test - Due to the fact I was sh*tting a brick and just 'knew' I'd fail it...

...So, test came and I thought "here we go, I've failed" :roll: Thinking sooo negatively ...

... and ...

... I passed! With 2 minors! :dance: (Don't forget, I had been learning for 2 years beforehand :rotfl: )

So, I think if you prepare yourself to fail and you fail - No loss. If you prepare yourself to fail and you pass - Huge gain!

You'll be fine :D xx
Try and treat it like a lesson and not an exam. It helped me stay calm. But then i passed on my third time :oops: so am probably not the best person to take advice from.

And actually i had been learning for yeeeeeears as well. :oops:
What a horrible thing to say for a start! What a way to bother you!

I failed my first. I had a fantastic lesson before, and failed due to some pillock who was crossing the road in front of me.
I passed the second. I had an awful lesson before hand, then went round my estate.
I got too worked up 1st time round. I took Kalms for nerves which didn't help.
But yeah, just treat it like a lesson.
Mine came down to luck. I failed the first time as I had to reverse around a corner and just couldn't do it on the day. 2nd test wasn't asked to do reverse around corner and passed. Glad I wasn't asked to paralel park as I still can't do it and have been driving 11 years :oops: .
I thought i was going to pass first time and was confident = I FAILED

On my second test i drove off, stalled it and turned left instead of right, convinced i had failed anyway i carried on the test = I passed.
I think nerves are what get the better of most people so trying to stay calm is the best way. I passed first time but I was soo nervous I had a lot of stupid minors. Just remember, they dont expect you to be perfect, just safe. So dont lose it if you make a few minor errors, like stalling and stuff cos as long as you recover yourself its fine. I used bachs rescue remedy for flying when I was scared and I swear it helped me. Its safe to use in pregnancy as its all natural so if you feel really wound up about the test, maybe it would be helpful to try a bit of that? Also, have faith in your ability - your instructor wouldnt put you through your test if he didnt think you were good enough! Good luck :D

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