Way TMI but a question about sweeps


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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I have been for mine today. Got dull back ache now and bump keeps going tight.
Did many who have had them already bleed after? I think i remember bleeding after my daughters sweep and went into labour that night

I hate this not knowing lol :rotfl:
Gosh your lucky they gave you a sweeep at 40wks...round here they won't til your 41+......

Yes you do bleed after...not always but sometimes...lets hope it starts you off. :cheer:
They only giving me it so early because I had a car crash on sat and had constant pain so they want to get him out really. But they will still let me go over by 12 days before they induce him grr
I have just got back from my sweep and im bleeding a bit. Got more of a show as well
beth3735 said:
They only giving me it so early because I had a car crash on sat and had constant pain so they want to get him out really. But they will still let me go over by 12 days before they induce him grr

:shock: glad you and bubs are ok
I had a sweep this morning too - there is a bit of bleeding down there, like you would have at the end of your period.

Baby very active and a few tightenings - come on babies...
It bought on my show, which yes was bloody... I had Ryan the following evening :D

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