Watery CM 7 days after AF but before OV?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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Hi Ladies,

Just wondering. I finished AF on the weekend, but found Yesterday that my CM (which normally around this time during my cycle is dry) was watery and clear, not like the Egg white that i normally get around OV time, much thinner(sorry TMI). I am tracking my OV through a fertility monitor, this is just my second cycle that i've been using it, but it hasn't said that i'm even close to fertile at the moment (no surge in Oestrogen or LH).

Just wondering if anyone's had this previously and what this could be? As i've only really seen this sort of CM later in my cycle previously (the vague notice i used to take before TTC)

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as we're actually not so much TTC this month as if i do get pregnant this month as the EDD would be a little close to my mum's wedding date in Feb next year. (although not preventing it either)
I started getting watery CM about a week before I O'd this month so it could be normal.
When you use your monitor do you check what it says on the sticks against the info on the monitor? This is the first month of using a Persona monitor and because I never had a positive OPK I wanted to see a positive stick from my monitor. When I had the O symbol come up I looked at it but there was no LH line that I could see so was very confused. I had the symbol come up on Days 11 and 12. Then on Day 15 I had a green light come up on the monitor meaning I wasn't fertile anymore but lo and behold I looked at the stick and there was the LH line bold as brass with the oestrogen line pale.
I thought I was going mad so I rang the Persona helpline who confirmed that I was looking at the lines in the right place but said that I shouldn't be interpreting them myself.
I have kept all of them and put them in a row (the lines haven't changed or deteriorated since I did them) You can definately see the pattern of hormones.
To read the sticks have the pee end on the left. The LH line is the one on the left and the oestrogen line is on the right. LH line gets darker as it increases and oestrogen gets lighter.
Hope this is of some help.

Sus x
I have been having watery cm for the last week and i should be having my period today but it hasn't turmed up yet. Is it normal to have watery cm after ov and all the way through to your period? I havent noticed it before.
Thanks Sus,

I had actually investigated the difference between an LH surge and not when i got my first positive last month (the first cycle i used it on). I'm a little inquisitive like that and wanted to know what the monitor was picking up that was different to the times where it showed that i had High fertility, and sure enough it was the extra line.

I've checked all of these tests that i've done the last three days but nothing has come up apart from the control/oestrogen line. I'm actually using the Clearblue monitor.

The CM seems to have gone away now, back to a thicker sort (sorry TMI), so i'll just have to see what happens as far as my cycle is concerned, as i had a chemical pregnancy last cycle so i'm not sure if i'm going to Ovulate later or earlier then i did in my previous cycle, which was around CD20-22.

Many thanks again for your response.

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