Waters have broken


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2005
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Waaaaaahhhhhh my waters have broken and i am so very unprepared! Have just come back from the hospital where they monitored the baby and me for 20 minutes and confirmed that my waters had definately broken (must have been that ice lolly).

They have told us to go back Saturday at 8 if it hasn't all kicked off by then.

What do contractions feel like? I have been feeling increasing pressure in my pelvis every so often. Don't think i'll sleep tonight it's a bit too exciting.

will keep you posted!

Lots of love
Claire xxx
yay thats great.... contractions feel like heavy period pains at first then u will notice them coming every 20mins then closer and more painful
and a dull low aching pain in the back and belly
Did they give you antibiotics at the hospital?

I am worried about this now, because I don't know how things are done here in England.

When I had my first child in America my waters broke and I did not go into labor. Went to the hospital strait away when my water broke and they immediately put me on an antibiotic drip to prevent infection. Despite their efforts, I still got infected.

I am worried about my waters breaking now, because of infection. I had to be induced labor a few hours after my waters broke, because of the fear of infection in me and the baby.

My midwife here says that they do give antibiotics if your waters break. Is this true? And does anyone know when they would induce labor after waters breaking? Cant just go around for days with no amniotic fluid to protect the baby!
congratulations claire! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Let us know when more congratulations are in store :cheer: :cheer:
So sleepy :sleep:

Well I was definately getting crampy type abdominal pains, for about an hour and a half (early morning) these were coming about 8 mins apart with varied intensity. They have tapered off a bit now and i'm getting one every half hour almost. It's all a bit exciting and terrifying, i still have so much to do.

I don't want you to worry Soozee, the midwife that saw me at the hospital explained about the possibility of infection, as the fluid protects the baby and without it there he is obviously more at risk. I wasn't given any medication, however i was given a leaflet with information on Prelabour Rupture of Membranes. I have been told to monitor the still leaking fluid (smell, colour) and take my temperature twice a day. Every local health organisation is different, my hospital is in Hull so i'm not sure about anywhere else. I would suggest that if it were bothering you, you contact the delivery ward and tell them your concerns.

Claire xxx
alot of hospitals are different, when my waters broke, they wouldnt let me go home, not to even pack my hospital bag and come back an hour later :evil:
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!! how exciting, congratulations claire hun sounds like you well on your way, go girl!! :cheer: :cheer: xxx
Ok phew! I'm sure the midwives know what is best for mum and baby. I think my hospital does keep you there too, if waters break.

Had to phone midwife this morning, due to watery discharge.

Anyway, congrats to you Claire! Keep us updated if you can :clap:
Won't be long now, I hope you have a great labour xx
How exciting, not long until you meet your LO.

I think they only give you antibiotics if there is a reason to and if you are before 37 weeks.

My waters broke at 34+2 and I had to have antibiotics and steroid jabs for babys lungs and I had to stay in hospital but they said if I was 37 weeks + I could have gone home.
Brilliant..another step closer to meeting baby!!!!

Cant wait for the next installment best of luck with it all :D
yay, good luck hun, wont b long!!!



so excited for u.. its all happening for the 3rd tri girlies eh!

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