Waters have broken, now the waiting begins...........

Yeeeehaaa!!! :cheer: Good luck today, hope you're doing well and baby is here real soon! :hug:
Nothing more to report yet ladies, I'm getting the odd contraction but nothing regular at the moment. I'm bouncing on my ball hoping that it'll get things moving a bit.

Oh and it's true what they say about waters smelling like a certain male substance :lol:
Yayyy Alex... so pleased its your turn. At least you know your LO is on its way!!! Im going into hosp later to be induced so our LO's might end up being born on the same day. Let's keep each other posted.

Good Luck xxx
ASD123456 said:
Oh and it's true what they say about waters smelling like a certain male substance :lol:

Eeuuuw!!!! :rotfl:
Good luck, hope it doesnt take too long!! :D
Yay keep bouncing :D Hope things get more regular for you soon :cheer:

And good luck :D
horay! i hope things start moving for you and you get to meet your LO soon! :cheer: :hug:
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the LO doesn't keep you waiting till friday.
How are things progressing? Are the contractions coming more regular now? Hope so! :pray: *Come on little green bean* :cheer: xx
No more news, I'm a bit bored of waiting now. Tried a little walk but that didn't really get things started, I'm afraid I might be leaking for a little while longer.
:hug: Keep hanging on. Is there any way you could try to sleep? A) You might find you'll have needed that rest a little later! And B) It will while away the hours?

good luck girly, you lucky pup :wink:

Hope it's soon for you :pray: :pray: :pray:
good luck alex!!!hopefully lil green bean is making an appearance real soon!!! :cheer: xxxxxx

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