

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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Has anyone done a Waterbabies swimming course? I've just signed Isaac up for one starting in May. I'm so excited!! Now I can buy him a cute little wet suit! They also get a photographer in to take really professional photos of baby swimming under water at the end of the course! Can't wait!
I've booked Samuel on one, we also start in may :) it looks amazing. They recommend one of their suits as they offer better grip and keep lo warm. I can't wait x
I'm planning to sign E up on one for May. Did not know about the wet suit but friends that have been have just used normal swim suits.
Have done waterbabies classes with Holly since november. They are fantastic. We love them and it is amazing how fearless babies can be!
Have you got any piccies you can post? How much are the photos?
My lo has been going to the classes since he was 5 weeks old. He wasn't keen to start with and pretty much screamed the whole time the first couple of classes but week on week he has got better and I can see him gaining confidence. They really are good classes. The photographer is coming in a couple of weeks so hope we get good pics. As for wot to wear they have to wear a swim nappy and then a happy nappy over the top. You can get the wet suit things but most of the pools they use are hydrotherapy pools do they are really warm and even at 5 weeks my lo didn't get cold in the water xx
Grace has been going to swimming lessons for 3 months now although not waterbabies
I really wanted to do these courses but at the minute I can't really afford to.

One warning I will give is that a woman I know had the photographer take pictures of her LO swimming under the water. She said the look of fear on his face because of the flashes made by the camera and after that it took her quite a long time to get him to accept going back into the pool :( xxx
I really wanted to do these courses but at the minute I can't really afford to.

One warning I will give is that a woman I know had the photographer take pictures of her LO swimming under the water. She said the look of fear on his face because of the flashes made by the camera and after that it took her quite a long time to get him to accept going back into the pool :( xxx

Hunnie, I realised yest that our babies were born on fri 13th and were 13 weeks on fri, 13th. How weird is that?
We're starting waterbabies in may, I'm so excited Dylan loves swimming already! In my mothercare the happy nappy, and swim nappies are on 3 of 2! X
Ohh, it's cool others are starting at the same time. We will have to compare notes & progress! I get the feeling the photos will be expensive as think you have to pay to go along to the shoot & for the prints. Really want a photo though!
I really wanted to do these courses but at the minute I can't really afford to.

One warning I will give is that a woman I know had the photographer take pictures of her LO swimming under the water. She said the look of fear on his face because of the flashes made by the camera and after that it took her quite a long time to get him to accept going back into the pool :( xxx

Hunnie, I realised yest that our babies were born on fri 13th and were 13 weeks on fri, 13th. How weird is that?

I never actually realised that lol! I still love that she was a Friday the 13th baby weirdly lol xxx
Ohh, it's cool others are starting at the same time. We will have to compare notes & progress! I get the feeling the photos will be expensive as think you have to pay to go along to the shoot & for the prints. Really want a photo though!

My one was £40 for a practise session, the shoot and a free photo. Extra copies were £10 each! But we scanned and reprinted our one for people
No that's good actually & it's a lovely pic. I did some googling & i think the waterbabies ones are about £45 for the shoot & then the pics are insanely expensive, you might be able to get one small pic for about £45 but anything more is hundreds. A memory stick with about 3 images on is about £200!! Not told OH yet ekkk!

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