Water intake.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I am really struggling to get fluids into my little one. I wasn't too concerned before as he was having 3 7 oz bottles a day but now he seems to not want these as much so his fluid intake has dropped. He has a few sips of water/juice with his meals but hardly anything and I am worried he is not taking in enough can anyone suggest anything to get him to drink more and should I still be giving him 3 bottles at 11months?

Thanks x:wave:
Lizzie only has about 10oz of milk a day, 5oz in her afternoon beaker and 5oz in her night time bottle. I offer her water with her meals and she will probably have about 1oz but she just isn't bothered. BUT there have been some occasions where she's had lots of weetabix which is obviously drying (I can't eat a bowl without a drink too!), and she drank LOADS of water, so they definitely know it quenches their thirst!
I wouldn't worry too much so long as he's still weeing lots and his fontanelle looks healthy :)

Oh, and when she's over her Nanny's she gets given very diluted squash which does make her drink more, but I don't have squash in the house so she doesn't get it at home. You have to weigh up which is more important, low sugar or water intake...
Kieron has 16oz of milk a day plus 1/2 a beaker of juice. Aslong as lo's giving u lots of wet and dirty nappies then there's not a problem xx
Tegan hasn't Drunk hardly any milk for months & wouldn't drink much water so i was advised to give her very watered down squash, she drinks about 2 cups full a day now x
think i mighthave to try that then thanks ladies xx

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