Water Infection


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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I've just had a call from the surgery who have told me I have a water infection. They have perscribed me tablets for it but I have had no symtoms at all. Has anyone else experienced this?

Also the tablets that have give me are making me feel even more queezy :(
Yep over here! I had one in Tri 2 and now have another one, both times no symptoms just loads of tightenings - thats always a give away with me. I have had this for two weeks now and I just got told today that I have an infection, the first water sample I gave was 'contaminated' so had to do another, delaying it I think. Hope you feel better soon -drink plenty x
Thanks Rosies Mummy

I've only ever had cystitus once before and I dealt with that with off the counter stuff. I guess I should cut out the citrus stuff for a while too and try and flush it out.

Thanks for the infor xxxxxxxxxxxxx
No probs, they are a pain in pregnancy - just up your fluids and make sure you empty your bladder as best you can after you wee, I found that tilting your pelvis forwards whilst sitting there helps enormously! Its something to do with the uterus resting on your bladder. Im way too huge to do that now, it would feel like my pelvis is crumbling if I did it now :lol:
..or maybe tilting it backwards, basically bring your bum forwards, I think thats the best way to describe it :lol:
Thanks :) HUbby Is now my waterboy and and will try the different position :)
am on my second infection in 3 weeks and sent off my last sample which grew Ecoli!!! Apprently Ecoli is a common cause if infections and the antibiotics should get rid but I got a major bought of thrush last weekend which was horrid.

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