I have brought a set of reuseable nappies (motherease). Now my questions are do i need to wash them before i use them? And what washing powder shall i use?
i have the little lamb ones and had to wash them 3 times before you use them to make them more absorbant (like a towel).
I washed them one with nothing, then again with half the recommended amount of detergent (it should be non-bio) and then again with nothing. I just ran all three washes back to back, no drying in between and definatly no fabric conditioner as it stops them from absorbing properly.
I just use tesco brand non-bio powder tablets and just use one with each wash as im washing them nearly every day or second day and it would cost a fortune in brand powder.
Hope thats helps
I use fairy non-bio (no softner as it 'coats' the nappy making it less absorbant). I've washed mine all three times and they are now in the draws ready for use...hopfully sooner rather than later!!
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