Confused about reuseable nappies


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2006
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Hello im so confused about reuseable nappies. I have read the thread on here about them but still confused can anyone help me.

This is what i am after.

A reuseable nappy that is like a terry towel, but is shapped as a nappy with velcro or studs.

I want to use a disposable liners with them.

I am looking on ebay for some. But they all come with different things and im confused!
MOTHEREASE are very reliable, their wraps (covers) in particluar are bombproof but there are a very tight cotton and don't look particulary 'Terry Towelly'. There's a brand called ONELIFE that are very similar to Motherease but cheaper I think.

If you want a more traditionally looking nappy you could go for TOTSBOTS original (probably the most popular nappy out there.) I'd also reccommend LITTLE LAMBS, which are like Tots Bots but cheaper.

PM me with any questions. I love giving nappy advice!!! :D
Just seen your other questions.

Yep, 20 is probably enough to wash every couple of days. That MIGHT be strectching it for the early days, when you're changing all the time though. You do need a cover (wrap) to go over your nappy. The ME kit you've linked to provides 4 in each size. That's pretty typical of birth-to-potty (onesize) kits but may be pushing it a bit. I think you need at least 5/6 really, but I am a bit lazy with the washing at times! :D
Wow thanks for the reply. I was getting so confused. I will look at the other sites thank you!
We bought this set the other day, but I'm not convinced it's got enough inner nappies in it: ... oduct.aspx

For the first week or so we'll be using disposables, just whilst we all get to know each other, and after that we can see how we get on with cloth. I have a feeling we will need more nappies and covers than it says - but you can get bigger sets for birth to toddler which might be the way to go.
I didn't get on well with the pre-folds, but I know others who use them with success. Let us know how it goes, Gingerpig!
Yes I suspect I was being slightly too enthusiastic with the prefolds.... I think the things that swayed me were 1) I could just buy a load from a shop, after picking them up and looking at them. Sounds silly but I wanted to have a good look before getting them lo, and b) on the side it said that laundry services prefer the prefolds.... But then laundry services collect once a week, and there's only 12 nappies in there :shock:

What didn't you like about the prefolds, it would be useful to know? The closest I've come to poo control is wiping my own bum lol and expelling poo from one of our guinea pigs (they have a little sac to store poo in and as they get older the muscles slacken).
I just found them really leaky, which may have been a wrap issue as much as the nappy itself. Finding non-leaky wraps was the most difficult part for me.

I know what you mean about actually SEEING them. Loads of councils now have nappy libraries or advisors who could show you actual samples of what's out there. this website would help you find one :D

As for the laundry service, I understood that with most of them nappies are included in the price? You don't provide them as such, they are just taken away, washed to NHS standards and then more are delivered (not the same ones?) I may be wrong as I never used one, I found bunging an extra wash on every 2nd day easy enough. Even for a housework-shy lush like me! :wink:
Ooooooooooooooo I didn't realise the laundry service actually provided the nappies as well - that's pretty cool! It's more OH than me - not that he's phased by pooey nappies, I just think he wants to make it as easy as possible. I do quite like washing though, and I'm way more house-work shy than you I'm sure. Seriously lol.

Thanks for the link as well, I'm pretty certain Reading does this - we've seen them in our local fairtrade shop, but had to put an order in to get them. I was just itching to see them and buy them lol. We also bought a few motherease ones from our local Waitrose - but got put off by the price of getting them individually and not having a CLUE of how many to get lol. Some options to try though.

Thanks for your advice - very useful! Did you try the bambino mio brand or was it another one? The wraps look lovely, and much better to use than the motherease ones which are supposed to take you all the way through. What I liked about the bambino mio ones, was that the wraps are much smaller, seem like they will fit more snug round the waist and have an extra layer in the leg hole to discourage leaks. Pretty cosmetic atm, as I've not actually used them lol. Will let you know in a month or so...

Thanks again, I know this isn't my thread and I apologise to Poppy for hi-jacking her thread, but it's been sooooooooooo helpful!
No problem, do you have to pay for the laundry service?
I used Cotton Bottoms (Sometimes called Whisper Wraps). They are dinky and I liked the patterns but performance was poor.

I am a complete nappy shopaholic, and have nappies of almost every brand available, UK and US. Motherease have been the most reliable wraps. The Rikki (velcro) can be adjusted quite small. I'm not keen on the nappies themselves though, They're very wide in the gusset and although they're supposed to be birth to potty they're very bulky on tiny babies.

I'm not sold on the BTP thing anyway. I've been buying sizes and either selling on the small ones (the return is excellent) or putting them away for #2!
I am trying to decide on real nappies too, and was wondering which would be best prefoldsor shaped? Prefolds are obviously cheaper wich is a big plus but are they worth buying? Anyone else used them?
Laundry services normally cost similar to disposables, £8-10 a week. That includes all the nappies too. So doesn't save you money, but is a greener option.

I really haven't found it ANY hassle washing my own though. :)
Ah right. I don't mind washing my own, i will have my OH to help, well when i have taught him how to use a washing machine lol.
I shall be washing my own too. I was wondering about which are best to use.
Icecream said:
I shall be washing my own too. I was wondering about which are best to use.

All types have advantages and disadvantages. Shop around! My whole collection is mix and match, I don't really have more than a couple of the same type. If a particualr type works for you, invest in more. If not, sell it on! It's lots of fun :D
Like Minxy I'm a nappy addict too lol. I use a whole range of different brands and types.

I totally agree with the advice Minxy gave on the brands mentioned already :)

Pocket nappies like the wee notions pocket are good but they wont fit until baby is 10lbs (pocket nappies dont need a wrap you just stuff the inside.

I love my totsbots rainbows and the tots bots wraps are ok but i tend to use weenotions waterproof wraps more.

Nappies to avoid are happy heinys. The look really cute but they totally suck.

I didn't get on well with my prefolds either.
I have lots of different nappies, i have some pockets for nights (minkis) and my main set of nappys is my little lambs shaped with aplix. I also have some prefolds but i tend to use them more to stuff the pockets.

If you read all of the reusable nappy info thread i made up in producs and reveiws section it really tells you everything you need to know, and of course you can ask questions about anything you might not know...

What i did was bought 25 or so nappies and then abigmix of different wraps...i also got 4 wraps with my prefolds (i have the 12 pack the same as gingerpig)

Good luck!!!!!!

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