Was your first baby early or late?

9 days late...x

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I started labour on my due date but she wasnt born for 2 days later xx
Two weeks early exactly. Had elective c-sec as breech and growth concerns.

DD1 8days late and weighed 7lbs 15.5oz (half oz off 8lbs) normal birth
DD2 9days late and weighed 9lbs 4oz normal birth
DS 8days early and weighed 8lbs 12oz elective section breech baby :) x
Technically I went into labour at 40 + 2 and he was born when I was 40 + 3, however, the day I went into labour was originally my due date but they moved it forward 2 days at my scan- so technically i went into labour on my original due date xx
12 days late, weighed 9lb 1.5 after emergency c section x
Two weeks early, was induced due to gestational diabetes and suspected cholostasis, and I had already been in with suspected preterm labour twice!
1st Baby 6 dys early. 2nd baby i was induced on due date. x
Had my beautiful boy a 37+1 weeks so 3 weeks early, weighing 7lb 6oz :) xxx
Bang on 39 weeks with a 5 hour labour. Took us all by surprise especially at my midwife appt the day before she was only one fifth engaged!
Went in for a sweep at 39+6 and he was born by emergency c-section 30 minutes later lol. Impatient little wotsit :D
2 weeks early and I thought first babies were always late!

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